Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Plaintiffs must make available to the defence all documents in their possession which are relevant to the matters in dispute — and sometimes there will be found , amongst office memoranda and other internal documents , material which goes to justify the original allegation .
2 Secondly there is the product/value which goes to maintain the extra workers if production is to expand , i.e. , .
3 Even where the base cost of the shares in Target is reduced , for example if there is a claim for breach of warranty made by Newco against the vendors which goes to reduce the overall price which Newco pays for the shares , the position can be restored if the amount Newco receives in settlement of the claim is invested in the target company in return for an issue of further shares to Newco .
4 And I do n't think the I do n't think the the overall scale of that issue is one which needs to reduce the strategic requirement on Hambleton .
5 Whether yours is a family garden which has to sustain the rigorous attentions of children , a more sedate garden for entertaining al fresco , or a small city garden with little room for more than a couple of raised flowers beds , a patio can give your home and lifestyle a whole new dimension .
6 We said that if the revolution is victorious in Russia and a republican government comes to power which wants to continue the imperialist war in alliance with the imperialist bourgeoisie of England and France , a war for the conquest of Constantinople , Armenia , Galicia , and so on and so forth , then we will be decided opponents of such a government , we will be against " 'the defence of the Fatherland " " in such a war .
7 My advice for the less affluent Dizzy fans out there is to wait for Crystal Kingdom Dizzy ( see preview this issue ) , which looks to become the all-time bestest-ever eggstravaganza .
8 Magnus Fehn , 13 , was representing his own creation , the New Democracy Party , which plans to fleece the rich and tax the Queen .
9 In deciding which tenders to accept the local authority will be influenced by the design , layout and general presentation of the scheme ; the assessment as to genuine architectural merit may be subjective .
10 The main concentrations of the elderly are therefore outside the metropolitan regions , and are more likely to be located in small towns than in villages or the open countryside — which tends to lack the public transport and range of local services that are important to elderly persons .
11 Whilst a profusion of information has been revealed , archaeology has , by its very nature , been largely concerned with what is found physically , which tends to emphasize the mundane , domestic level of existence .
12 The ethical issues raised are , however , outside the scope of this article , which aims to outline the relevant physiology of the immune system , the clinical application of interleukin-2 , its toxicities and the nursing care necessary to facilitate early medical intervention .
13 Under pressure from the European Community , the two countries have agreed to operate a temporary water management scheme , which aims to reconcile the Slovakian need for increased energy with Hungary 's fears about environmental impact .
14 Kuroda advocates the training of farmers in modern pest control methods , like those successfully applied by Indonesia , which in the mid-1980s banned pesticides such as those being donated to Cambodia and replaced them with a programme of integrated pest management ( IPM ) , which aims to exploit the natural weaknesses of a pest and shift the balance in favour of its predators .
15 At present the same old names continue to back projects such as those underpinning the NI , which aims to promote the physical regeneration of Grey Street ( Newcastle 's high street ) , improve links with the 42 Japanese companies in the area , back publicity for the region and attack inner city problems .
16 He attends junior camps when he is not following his hobbies of reading biographies or listening to music , and he is a Board Member of KidSports Foundation , which aims to teach the positive side of sports to youngsters .
17 An erosion surface should show up as an excess in a certain range of altitude and this can be revealed by a device such as a hypsographic curve , which aims to depict the overall distribution of elevation and is usually used to illustrate the earth 's major relief features .
18 The question was well put because the Prime Minister , Mr Nikolai Ryzhkov , is proposing an extraordinary six-year programme , which aims to switch the giant Soviet economy towards market principles only after further tightening of administrative methods .
19 The working man takes naturally to a creed which aims to help the weak .
20 It has also become involved in the Work-out scheme in London , which aims to help the young unemployed take an active approach to life .
21 Help for this is available through the Anonymous Fellowship of Adult Children of Alcoholics , which aims to assist the grown-up children of any addictive family .
22 The Animal Welfare Foundation is the British Veterinary Association 's charity which aims to utilise the veterinary profession 's expertise in identifying and finding solutions to animal welfare problems .
23 We must take into account that evidence , as well as the other evidence , which seems to point the other way but has not been statistically upheld and has never been put before us in any form that we could check or examine .
24 From a more conventional approach which encompasses land use , maps of soil erosion , and the designation of technically feasible conservation measures which can be accepted within the constraints operating upon land-users — a difficult enough task in itself — an expansion is suggested to the present programme which seems to involve the political economy of the whole world in every instance of soil erosion .
25 I have seen many other companies working the same sort of processes , and I have yet to find one which seems to have the final solution .
26 There is thus a gap between rapid acquisition of complex and highly abstract knowledge by individuals with very limited cognitive resources and the degenerate information , in the form of spoken language , which seems to provide the only source of information the child has to work on .
27 Blake repeats his earlier position , summoning the notion of equity between dischargers as a bargaining tactic to support his case , which seems to win the tacit approval of some of the directors present .
28 Policy-making in this area is deliberately pluralist , mopping up political energies , providing a reassuring appearance of controversy and popular influence , and sustaining a needs-orientated ideology which seems to indicate the social neutrality of state policy .
29 The evidence for this assumption seems in the end to be the fact that Taskopruzade uses for the first time in relation to Molla Fenari a distinctly official-sounding title which appears to encompass the entire Ottoman state , namely ; but it must be reiterated that there is no evidence in Taskopruzade 's account to suggest that this appointment occurred in the time of Murad II rather than earlier , perhaps in the time of Mehmed I or even of Bayezid I.
30 In the case of gastrin , cell lines derived from colorectal carcinomas have recently been shown to contain gastrin mRNA , and some human colorectal cancers in short term tissue culture release a peptide into the culture medium which appears to have the immunological characteristics of gastrin .
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