Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [coord] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 If there is any provision contained in these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangements of which they form part which causes or would cause these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangement of which they form part to be subject to registration under the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 then that provision shall not take effect until the day after particulars of these Guidelines or any agreement or arrangements ( as the case may be ) shall have been duly furnished to the Director General of Fair Trading pursuant to that Act .
2 Assistance may only be granted , however , where the Commissioner believes that the breach of rule about which the member is complaining is one which affects or may affect other members of the union or that similar breaches of the rules have been or may be committed in relation to other members of the union .
3 These various substantives evoke a state or quality which disposes the support to perform an action ( willingness , desire , impudence , ability , etc. ) , an action he performs which prevents or could prevent him from realizing it ( hesitation , refusal , reluctance , etc. ) , something he needs in order to realize it ( right , permission ) , a circumstance in which he finds himself which favours something 's occurrence ( chance , occasion ) , etc. — all of which evoke a situation existing before the infinitive event , and so imply a reference to a prior position of the support .
4 In saying that the power exists we were doing no more than to reaffirm the unlimited nature of the court 's inherent jurisdiction over minors , a jurisdiction which empowers and may require the court to override the wishes of a minor , even if he or she has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision .
5 He may simply assist a competitor in any way which does or may have an adverse and material effect on his employer 's business .
6 There is not one particular legal rule for each situation which arises or may arise .
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