Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We are dealing here with a poetic concept but one which fits our relationship to the landscape and our awareness of variations from place to place .
2 This rejection of the ‘ unemployed ’ label is probably associated with the blurring of the boundaries for women between employment and economic inactivity and between unemployment and economic activity which renders their classification in the labour market problematic ( Callender , 1985 ) .
3 Idoxuridine , one such agent , can be applied to herpetic ulcers either in an ointment base or dissolved in a solvent which aids its absorption in the skin , and has enthusiastic followers , but again convincing evidence of its efficacy is lacking .
4 As the molecular size of the polymer decreases there is an increasing probability that the molecules can diffuse into the smaller pores and channels in the gel which slows their time of passage through the column by providing a potentially longer path length before being eluted .
5 If the staff : client ratio is low and the environment for care well equipped and attractive , -then you will have to measure this against the breadth of experience which represents your alternative within the NHS .
6 Others are merely temporarily hidden , such as whether there is fire behind a building which obstructs our line of sight ; we could come to know about this by going to see .
7 ( a ) which sets out the data you assembled during your research in sufficient detail to allow your reader to understand the analysis that is to follow ; and ( b ) which refers your reader to more detailed research data in the appendices to your report .
8 ‘ The Bee ’ starts with the sound of an irate insect which buzzes its way into an energetic European House groove .
9 ‘ The Bee ’ starts with the sound of an irate insect which buzzes its way into an energetic European House groove .
10 The golden rule is to use a drawing program which builds its image from instructions rather than individual dots .
11 Liberal Democrats will neither support nor participate in a government which turns its back on reform .
12 I hope that the hon. Member for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) will , in the House this afternoon , condemn the antediluvian attitudes of the TGWU , which sponsors him , and which turns its back on help for the unemployed made available by the Government .
13 Others have adopted a more holistic approach but in the form of an ecological reductionism which turns its back on science and technology , stressing traditional craft means of production and prescientific knowledges , such as astrology and alchemy ( which are imbued with a deeply humanistic Utopianism — noticeably absent from contemporary science and technology ) .
14 Rather than an archaeologist engaged in reconstitution of broken pictures , the enquirer is like the secretary to a historiographical commission which never meets , and which evolves its consensus through bilateral talks with an outsider .
15 Research shows that interviewers will make a visual impression which influences their decision within the first 45 seconds .
16 Research shows that interviewers will make a visual impression which influences their decision within the first 45 seconds .
17 The concept of the spectacle is an effective term which now has a wide currency , but perhaps only in a sense which approximates its use by the Situationists .
18 STRONG support for research on human embryos up to 14 days old came from the Medical Research Council yesterday , which adds its voice to that of the Royal Society , the Royal Colleges , and the medical charities opposing a ban .
19 Just before it joins the urethra , the vas sprouts a small sac , the seminal vesicle , once thought to be a store for spermatozoa but now believed to be simply another gland which adds its secretion to the ejaculate .
20 Advertising today is a highly specialised business which owes its development to the continuous advance in mass communication and in manufacture — even if at its heart it still is drawing public attention to something .
21 It is a spiritual community which owes its unity to common beliefs and a common attitude to life , far more than to any uniformity of physical type .
22 Frelimo in Mozambique is one example of a movement which owes its success to cold war tensions .
23 Reviewer Ron Rum said of their show at London 's Old Kent Road Ambulance Station : ‘ They play loud , fast , sharp and with a stringent discipline for guitar interplay which develops their sound into a splendid , if not technical , terse pop noise . ’
24 I know that he would not like to do any injustice to the report , but if he were to read the second paragraph , which contains its judgment on the Bill , he might come to a different conclusion .
25 At the same time , while it is a kind of sociology which places its emphasis on all signifying systems , it is necessarily and centrally concerned with manifest cultural practices and production .
26 For the Conservative Government to maintain any level of legitimation in ideological or cultural spheres , they have had to construct a definition of common sense which reinforces their definition of the social order .
27 But Venables countered : ‘ Gary Mabbutt was given a new three-year contract last January which illustrates my confidence in him . ’
28 His conclusion is that a religion which counts its success by numbers of converts is suspect .
29 On the third side is the cathedral , which has its inspiration in Prague .
30 Alternatively , use mushrooms , one of which has its stem for the trunk portion .
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