Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [noun] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Dungannon District Council has voted to scrap the Post Office addressing system which insists letters must include house numbers and road names .
2 This is why it is absurd to lay down specifications as to which books children should have read by the time they are eleven , or what kind of mathematical problems they should be able to solve .
3 A DEADLY poison which causes botulism can make people look younger .
4 The communist society which replaces capitalism will contain no contradictions , no conflicts of interest , and will therefore be unchanging .
5 They were challenging the ‘ pay now sue later ’ principle at Lloyd 's , which says names should pay cash calls first and fight them later .
6 From this moment onwards , each character loses 1 W point per round , and anyone trying to cast spells or do anything else which requires concentration must make a successful T test or be too distracted by the pain .
7 The strategy included plans ( i ) to develop a new , voluntary nationwide examination system of " American Achievement Tests " in the core subjects of English , mathematics , science , history and geography ; ( ii ) to promote parental choice as to which schools children should attend ; ( iii ) to establish a business-financed , non-profit-making organization to develop non-traditional types of school , which would receive limited federal funding ; and ( iv ) to boost vocational training by encouraging business and labour to devise ( voluntary ) skill standards and " skill certificates " .
8 Which means Butler will have to go back soon to the States for more funds , ’ Regan said .
9 This is a session of 45 minutes which means reports will require to be fairly concise .
10 Police in riot gear used their powers under the Public Order Act to move on three hundred travellers from Enstone aerodrome … an act which means Police can move on travellers where there are more than twelve vcehicles camped … powers the Home and Office and certain Police forces beleiev are tough enough .
11 Mr Smith renewed his demand for publication of Government law officers ' advice which suggests ministers may ignore whatever the Commons votes on the social chapter .
12 Some years ago Lucy Sells ( 1978 ) talked about mathematics as ‘ the critical filter ’ that determined which careers people might enter .
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