Example sentences of "which [was/were] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was taken off to play tennis on the courts which were nearer the house .
2 The enlightened proprietor provided social services for his workers which were already a model for future generations of employers .
3 At the same time it was doubtless the case that by-employments , which were probably the rule rather than the exception , were decisive in bringing the level of wealth in districts unfavourable to husbandry more or less into line with that of the more eligible farming regions .
4 This was largely as a result of Eliot 's own initiative ; and what we knew of it was derived from the works of Jacques Maritain , which were largely the source , I suspect , of Eliot 's own knowledge .
5 ( 5 ) Setting limits on future punitive and compensatory damages on a sliding scale according to the size of the company , and empowering juries to decide the appropriate damages within these limits ( which were also a subject of compromise between the White House and Danforth bill supporters ) .
6 This obviously includes late-night services , which were also a concern of the Hon. Member for Maryhill .
7 Twenty minutes later she stood in front of the mirror wearing the fragile lace undies which were also the result of her impulse-buying .
8 Yet their work also represents a very important process , unlike any of the preceding ‘ -isms ’ , which were always a continuation : Impressionism started the ball rolling , was continued by Fauvism which was a distortion of it , followed by Cubism , again a distortion but still ‘ retinal ’ , because the importance of the visual experience was always the decisive factor .
9 In particular Jones had a complete count of neutrons and also of their energies , so he could tell which neutrons came from cosmic rays and which were possibly the result of fusion .
10 This deterioration reflected exceptional items of £994 million ( £888 million after tax ) , which were mainly a result of the provisions for employee severance costs and asset write-downs announced at the half year .
11 At the same time diplomatic archives , inevitably growing in size , became better organised , as did some of the libraries which were now a part of all major foreign offices .
12 José Berardo has just finished restoring the almost derelict Monte Palace Hotel as a private home , together with the restoration of the lake , with its waterfalls , fountains and water cannons which were once a feature of this Victorian hotel .
13 The visitors were herded into two large halls , which were once the hotel ballroom and dining room .
14 To either side of Pau are old places which were once the capital of Béarn .
15 Too often his reputation as an architect has been written off on the basis of very late works which were more the work of his nephew , MacVicar Anderson , and his chief clerk , Colling , under his direction .
16 Because of the manner of his death , police believe it may be linked with four others which were definitely the work of the same killer .
17 This of course was less true of the Islamic societies of the savannah which were periodically the subject of reform movements , with a strong ascetic bent , and of recurring significance in the twentieth century .
18 The salon , which was formerly a linen mill , has had its two top floors converted into gallery space , and the exhibition of local talent opens tomorrow ( Thursday , September 2 ) .
19 The Eric Liddell Centre was established at the former North Morningside Church in 1974 , by the congregations of four churches on Holy Corner , Morningside , one of which was formerly the runner 's home church .
20 ‘ Oh , piss off , ’ he 'd said finally , which was exactly the reaction that Pete had been expecting .
21 It began as a faint glowing cloudiness that hung in the rafters of the attic , which was exactly the sort of phenomenon Cleo 's mother had described in the ghost stories she 'd told her daughter as a child .
22 Lisabeth reluctantly agreed after I put her in charge of phoning the hospital for twice-daily reports , which was exactly the sort of thing she liked to take charge of .
23 This assumed that women could afford to be economically dependent , which was rarely the case , and offered an individualist solution to what were complex environmental , social and economic problems .
24 The auditors picked up that we had a pink purchase order form which was neither a commissioning letter nor a contract .
25 This surely puts into perspective the fundamental problem of Mary Queen of Scots , which was neither a matter of sex nor of religion .
26 I knew our modern bungalow on the village outskirts overlooking the Carse was n't as grand as Andy 's mum and dad 's house , which was practically a castle and stood in its own estate : ponds , streams , statues , lochs , rivers , hills , forests , even the old railway line passing through one corner of it ; one big garden in effect and vast compared to our single acre laid to lawn and shrub .
27 Baldwin therefore decided to seek the dissolution of a Parliament which was barely a year old .
28 Variations on the theme of Mars also occur , such as Mars Barrex , Mars Belatucadrus and Mars Ocelus , while a dedication probably to Mars Victor was observed by William of Malmesbury still in position on a vaulted building , which was presumably a temple ; these dedications are mainly by soldiers .
29 She picked it up and saw the name Jarrett Keach flowing across it in brown mock handwriting which was presumably a facsimile of Jarrett 's own signature .
30 Hoover , himself , certainly not a callous man , considered that it would be fatal for the Federal government to take over in the field of relief , which was properly the concern of state and local governments with help from private charity .
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