Example sentences of "which [was/were] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even if the observation was not consciously made , Leonard recognised the great similarities which were taking place between music and poetry ( and in art and sculpture , too ) , which went under the name of neo-classicism in the former and modernism in the latter .
2 The very changes which were taking place in the physical environment appear to have facilitated the transition to a newer rhythm of urban life .
3 The changes , which were taking place in the economy and society during the period of formative influence on the functionalist style , provide us with a further dimension to consider .
4 Lothar 's biographer in the Gesta makes the point that following Celestine 's death he did not immediately join the cardinals assembled in the Septizonium , but attended first the exequies , or funeral rites , for the dead pope , which were taking place in the Lateran basilica .
5 The American archives suggest that even in 1954 the British would have been somewhat reassured had they been able to eavesdrop on some of the discussions which were taking place in Washington .
6 But these were some of the more welcome changes following the end of the Second World War , which were transforming life for people living in the countryside .
7 Tsutomu Hata , a former Agriculture Minister , had supported moves to dismantle Japan 's ban on foreign rice imports , which were causing dissent at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [ see also p. 38148 ] , and he was known to favour a reduction in interest rates .
8 The agreements struck after the stoppage of the previous year had left many loose ends which were causing trouble among stevedores , carters and lightermen .
9 The commissions , which were to recommence work before Jan. 14 , were instructed to report at least once a month to the heads of state who were scheduled to meet again in Rwanda on March 14-15 .
10 The expectations and hopes of those people and of many others , which were given life by the excellent judgment of the Vice-Chancellor of the High Court on 30 July , were cruelly dashed by the decision of the major City shareholders that the bank could not be reconstructed .
11 A rough rule-of-thumb was that landowners controlled the rural county councils and farmers the rural district councils ( which were given responsibility for housing ) .
12 They took their seats on canvas chairs which were placed side by side on the strip of red tiling , as if they were about to be photographed or to review a marching column .
13 Only from roughly the middle of the tenth/sixteenth century-perhaps coincidentally with the building of two other medreses which were to form part of the altmisli class , namely that attached to the mosque built by Suleyman for his son , Sehzade Mehmed ( the Sehzade medrese , completed in 954/1547 ) , and that built by the same sultan for his father , Selim I , apparently around 955/1548 — can one discern in the biographical sources the existence of a class of medreses , comprising these and others , one rank higher than the Sahn and normally carrying a salary of 60 akce , teaching in one of which seems to have been a generally recognized prerequisite for the holding of the highest learned offices .
14 We should have taken some heed from the birch trees halfway up the track which were bending double in the gale , and from the fact that five minutes after leaving the car , we were wetter than the Scottish Sub-Aqua team .
15 Specific ethical approval was not obtained for physiological recordings , which were considered part of clinical management .
16 History layered upon history in almost geological strata , within the levels of which were preserved corpse upon corpse upon corpse — so that the upheaving rockface of history seemed a veritable conglomerate of compressed cadavers , human , abhuman , and alien , a cosmos-spanning coral reef composed of innumerable crushed skeletons …
17 The ‘ twittering twenties ’ was one of its results , a concentrated version of the ‘ naughty nineties ’ papering over the fissures , which were undermining society at its heart — and mind .
18 Annesley yard received and despatched coal trains from the local pits which were taken south at speeds of up to 50 m.p.h. eventually destined for the Western Region .
19 In doing so it probably aroused some sympathy among the Party membership , though it could not prevent a movement which was receiving support from national figures .
20 The Israeli press had reported on March 23 that several hundred Israeli military advisers were now in Ethiopia ; this involvement also prompted radical Arab regimes to support the EPLF , which was receiving artillery from Syria and Iraq , and weapons including SAM-7s from Libya .
21 Observers identified a weak point of the agreement in its section on agriculture , which was made conditional on such agreements as might result from the " Uruguay Round " of negotiations in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) .
22 US President Bush , in a letter to the US Congress which was made public on Oct. 26 , stated his intention to provide renewed military aid for Jordan ( cut off because of Jordan 's stance in the Gulf war — see pp. 38024 ; 38119 , 38311 ) .
23 The primary form is God 's own self-expression , his eternal Word which was made flesh in Jesus ; the secondary form is the witness of the Bible in Old and New Testaments to that primary Word , the witness by which the Word itself is mediated and heard ; the tertiary form is the proclamation of Jesus Christ in the church as the Word of God to us .
24 Pineau informed de Gaulle about the strongly republican and socialist trend of resistance ideology and tried to persuade him to abandon his political reticence , which was causing concern among resisters .
25 It was not until the next to last day of the visit that she finally formulated to herself her secret desire , which was to see Montmartre at night .
26 This system no longer had quite such a regional character as it had had in the 1890s because local banks were already becoming part of the national system of clearing banks which was to take shape during the First World War .
27 The theme of the walk — which was to take place through the streets of St James 's — was ‘ royal London ’ .
28 During March there were violent protests in a number of areas throughout England over the introduction of the community charge or poll tax , which was to take effect from the beginning of the following month in both England and Wales under the terms of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 [ see p. 36501 ] .
29 The fair performance of the German currency appeared to discount the difficulties which many traders envisaged in the wake of German unification and , more specifically , of the controversial decision to unite the East and West German marks at par value , a move which was to weaken confidence in the mark in early 1991 .
30 However , a study commissioned by FRES , the primary objective of which was to give support to these claims , made very clear that for certain categories of worker , particularly secretarial/keyboard staff in central London and computer staff , agency supplied labour was more expensive ( Rothwell/Mingard , 1985 ) .
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