Example sentences of "which [vb mod] be call [art] " in BNC.

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1 Such , too , was the theme that intensified in their fiction towards middle age , which may be called the agony of a lost Eden .
2 The basic duty provides us with the fundamental rule of conduct which may be called the rule of law ; viz. , that we must not only not injure , but must also work to promote , social solidarity .
3 There is a catastrophic ‘ implosion ’ , which may be called the opposite of an explosion , followed by a shock-wave which literally blows the star apart in what is called a supernova outburst .
4 Vincent would have applauded the religious tenor of Lawrence 's Foreword to Sons and Lovers , and especially this : ‘ So there is the Father — which should be called the Mother … ’
5 One has the impression that in the time that followed the war , compared with the pre-war period , there occurred a change which might be called a loosening of manners .
6 Increasingly it has been challenged by a rival account which might be called a ‘ teleology of the oppressed ’ .
7 Underlying all of them is a form of thinking which might be called the ‘ urge to quantify ’ .
8 It is the author 's view that , when referring to the interdisciplinary use of law and economics , there is no particular ‘ brand ’ or ‘ mix ’ of economics and law in mind , except that which might be called the ‘ tentative application of economics to law ’ .
9 I can do this best by way of a personal anecdote , which might be called the Incident of the Taxman and the Philosopher .
10 A score can be computed which might be called the listener communication repair index .
11 My own version goes something like this : ( a ) I am trying to comprehend a totality which might be called the " way of life " of the people under study ; ( b ) this " way of life " consists of the acting oui of an endlessly repeated social drama .
12 Perhaps Puccini discovered part of the secret of including a degree of narration within a melodic framework which could be called an ‘ aria ’ without upsetting the melodic and formal definition of the music .
13 I will call it the principle of comprehensive ( political ) neutrality to distinguish it from the second principle which will be called the principle of narrow ( political ) neutrality .
14 In 1895 at the beginning of his work Beiträge zur Begründung der transfiniten Mengenlehre Georg Cantor * made the following definition : By a set we understand any collection M of definite , distinct objects m of our perception or of our thought ( which will be called the elements of M ) into a whole .
15 Below the lower level the number of pixels seen falls off very rapidly as the exposure is further reduced and , provided that the light intensity is not too high , a complete blackout occurs at some non-zero exposure , which will be called the blackout point .
16 From the beginning of his career Ashton frequently used the old stereotypes but created unique dances which can be called a translation of favourite comic play into the language of ballet .
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