Example sentences of "which [modal v] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They are anxious that they should not go on running a system which may in the long term be at a loss , ’ he said .
2 I have on several afternoons gone some way towards the beginning of a new mythology , which might in a thousand years puzzle the Germans .
3 No doubt in the exercise of its discretion a court may take into account a number of factors , such as for example the conduct and wishes of individual investors , which might in a given case militate against the making of an order .
4 Esher ( 1981 ) has suggested that Britain has experienced three ‘ Rebuilds ’ : the Enlightenment , the Industrial Revolution and the Welfare State : ‘ fashioned by wartime social democrats in England , which would for the first time in history build cities that were not dramatizations of privilege and poverty ’ ( p. 278 ) .
5 The ability to quantify androgyny on the BSRI seemed to some 1970s North American feminists to suggest and even to facilitate an escape from oppressive aspects of dominant discourses of femininity and masculinity , like guilt and dependency , and violence and insensitivity , which would at the same time retain femininity 's positive social , emotional characteristics , and the valuable self-confidence and achievement motivation commonly associated with masculinity .
6 Even if — and it is a big " if " — an unobjectionable means could be devised by which choice among candidates on party lists could be indicated and also convincingly assessed for the award of seats , the possibility of that choice could not be provided by any practicable modification of the WGMS which would at the same time ensure a high degree of proportionality and be acceptable to British electors and parties .
7 Taking all these things together , I think they give ground for the suspicion expressed by Mr. Henderson and other Labour ministers that Mr. MacDonald had deliberately planned the scheme of a National government ; which would at the same time enable him to retain the position of Prime Minister and to associate with colleagues with whom he was more in sympathy than he had ever been with his Labour colleagues …
8 Such ideas had their major influence in South Wales where nearly all men were engaged in mining and could envisage a pure " class struggle " between themselves and the coalowners which would at the same time be a political struggle between the great majority and the rich minority .
9 His main contribution to the development of the south Wales coalfield was his construction of a masonry dock at Cardiff ; opened in 1839 , it was the first of the five Bute docks , docks which would in the late nineteenth century be handling more coal than any other port in the world .
10 The only really satisfactory way to solve the whole problem is to assume that there are certain types of goods which can at the same time be " ordinarily " for private use and for commercial use .
11 Thus to the expository lesson , the period of exercise and drill , the set readings from the class textbook , the tests of memory and comprehension , and all the other useful ploys of the good teacher , have now been added sessions when the student is placed in direct confrontation with a variety of information sources , print.form , audio visual and three-dimensional , in small groups or on his own , in a situation which requires his active involvement and which can to a greater or lesser extent be tailored to meet his individual needs .
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