Example sentences of "which [be] so [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Along the new streets came new housing , the apartment buildings which are so closely identified with their originator that they are stylistically described simply as ‘ Haussmann ’ .
2 It should be possible to obtain a compromise which is effective in the legislation and which says , in effect , ’ There will be some crossings which are so rarely used that people are not inconvenienced by their closure . ’
3 These are the widespread fictions or myths about the language , some of which are so universally accepted as to be pedagogical orthodoxy .
4 What may be thought surprising is the absence of Celtic deities which are so well represented in stone sculpture and reliefs , especially in the west .
5 Do all discourse types have parts which are so easily named ?
6 I 've gone through courses like Alternatives to Violence and Psychodrama , which are so highly pressured , that I know if I can do those .
7 They are then disagreeably surprised when the resentments and even despair which are so often concealed by silence break out in angry and violent rebellion .
8 Of course some policemen and women , at the other extreme , welcomed the research as an opportunity to talk about issues which are so often taken for granted among colleagues and family that they are not topics of conversation .
9 Selectors should also avoid books which are so tightly bound that they have to be held forcibly open .
10 There are few occupations which are so tightly professionalized as the academic profession ( Perkin 1973 , Neave 1979a ) ; a fact which helps to explain why on the whole it seems to work fairly harmoniously with the ‘ external ’ professions .
11 The plants were grown by the British Bedding Plants Association , and planted by apprentice staff of Hampton Court Palace and Gardens , which are so marvellously run by Mr George Cooke .
12 We should not glamorize the overcrowded , insanitary rural cottages — scarcely adequate as holiday homes for a two-child family now — in which parents tried to raise five children , which were so strikingly condemned in Chadwick 's 1842 Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Classes ( Flinn 1965 ) .
13 Visible expression of his anxiety could be found in his fingernails which were so savagely bitten that his sheets were often stained with blood .
14 They were hardly affected by the deluge , even though their diet consists very largely of the very riverbed invertebrates which were so badly affected .
15 The trade unions have sustained the Labour party over all these years and Labour gave the trade unions the appalling powers which were so badly abused in the run-up to the 1979 election when , as we all know , the country was brought to its knees by a new strike almost every week .
16 He felt his influence therefore to be transmitted entirely through his books , and in these , which were so often destroyed , what he had to say was constantly repeated .
17 The magazine served to reinforce my own feelings that we in the UK must fight to preserve lesbian and gay rights which were so hard won and which Mrs Thatcher seems determined to destroy .
18 If one were to peruse the extensive range of surveys of the applications of the rational expectations hypothesis to macroeconomics , one would come across a different framework of analysis , one which is so widely accepted that it is rarely explained in any detail , still less is its theoretical basis probed critically or its conclusions called into question .
19 Foods that do not sustain microbial growth , such as bread , or raw produce which is so heavily contaminated that the bacterial loading on a surface is insignificant , are not likely to require handling on disinfected surfaces .
20 Our curtain rises , then , in the nineteenth century , when the study of man was treated as a kind of history and more especially of that generalizing sort usually known as ‘ universal history ’ which is so well represented today in the works of Arnold Toynbee .
21 However , not all change of state verbs can be expected to occur with adverbal adjectives even then ; for instance , murder and burn do indeed produce a change of state that can be described by an adjective but one which is so intimately linked to the nature of the verb and so banally obvious that the adjective describing the object is otiose .
22 With regard to particular crimes , the survey perhaps offered some reassurance to those accustomed to the image of a massive upsurge in crime which is so regularly portrayed by the media .
23 How can he possibly justify cutting training which is so desperately needed by a work force without jobs such as that in Knowsley , South ?
24 Perhaps the controversy which is so thoroughly evaded in this exhibition needs to be reintroduced .
25 ‘ The only way we can set about obtaining some is to raise the public profile of the case , which is so far limited to the bald facts of your husband 's murder . ’
26 These studies defined a pathway that is at the heart of growth control in higher eukaryotic organisms , one which is so highly conserved that its components are functionally interchangeable between mammals , flies and worms .
27 Some of these characters are also present in Dryopithecus , and they have been used to support a relationship of this genus with the living great apes , but their presence in Oreopithecus , which is so highly specialized cranially , must cast some doubt on this interpretation .
28 Rather we must deliberately foster the grasshopper mind which is so scathingly crushed by the schoolmasters .
29 By that time he had not only set in motion all the police retinue that attends on sudden and unexplained death , but also attended their ministrations throughout , seen the body examined , photographed , cased in its plastic shell and removed by ambulance to the forensic laboratory , delegated certain necessary duties , placated the police doctor and the pathologist , come to terms with the inevitable grief and rage which do not reach the headlines , and made dispositions within his own mind for the retribution which is so often aborted .
30 It is good to see Moorcock 's work finally being given the attention which is so often lavished on lesser writers .
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