Example sentences of "which [be] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 One is an instruction book and the other is the book of stitch patterns which are built into the memory of the console .
2 Occasionally I might buy him the big third Mac , the third Big Mac , just to prove to him he ca n't eat it , and this establishes in the superego a , that the , the superego to some extent speaks for reality and , and the reality sense is part of the , is part of the standards which are built into , which are built into the superego , and to , and therefore to a large extent the superego opposes the pleasure principle that operates in the id .
3 To have the best chance of preventing the more serious family and child care problems , what we might call child abuse , the best chance of success is to improve and develop universal , non-stigmatizing services which are integrated into the mainstream of social provision for all children .
4 And perhaps they suffice to demonstrate , in a rudimentary way , how the arrangements and alterations of grammar provide additional specification to lexical associations so that the words can relate more precisely to features of context , including those features which are incorporated into the knowledge of the language users themselves .
5 They can be bought either as small , round discs , which are sewn into the corners of curtain hems , or in strip form , to be inserted along the whole length of the hemline .
6 In machine code , one instruction corresponds directly to one of the fundamental operations which are hardwired into the computer .
7 Particles and gases which are injected into the stable stratosphere may take months or years ( for example , the residence time of strontium-90 is typically of the order of a year ) before they become stratospheric fallout .
8 These are electronic devices which are connected into the video transfer line , and they not only optimise the signal for copying but enable you to control the picture brightness and colour ; fades can be added as well .
9 Tobacco smoke contains thousands of different chemicals which are released into the air as particles and gases .
10 Tobacco smoke is highly complex and contains thousands of chemicals which are released into the air as particles and gases .
11 The animal 's physiological functions are converted to a series of mathematical equations , which are entered into the computers as a program .
12 None could be admitted at any other time except for cases of sudden accident or emergency , ‘ which are taken into the House at any hour of the night or day without any recommendation whatever . ’
13 The European Parliament has called on the EC to ban imports of exotic birds , 1.5 million of which are brought into the continent each year , often in appalling conditions .
14 Birds which are sold into the pet trade are notoriously badly treated .
15 Meat contains volatile fatty acids which are excreted into the breath , so vegetarians are less likely to get halitosis .
16 ‘ Biographers are simply novelists without imagination , ’ he imagines Dickens saying to him when they meet in one of the fictional reveries which are sprinkled into the biography proper .
17 In others , such as the strongyloids , it is large , and opens into a buccal capsule , which may contain teeth ; such parasites , when feeding , draw a plug of mucosa into the buccal capsule ( Fig.3 ) , where it is broken down by the action of enzymes which are secreted into the capsule from adjacent glands .
18 You first attach a battery to two electrodes which are dipped into the water ( it is necessary to add traces of acid or alkali to conduct the electric current through the solution — this is known as the ‘ electrolyte ’ ) .
19 These were Styria ( Steiermark ) , acquired by the Habsburgs in 1278 ; Carniola ( Krain ) and Carinthia ( Kärnten ) , which came to the Habsburgs in 1335 ; and Trieste , Görz-Gradisca and Istria , which were absorbed into the expanding Austrian realm later in the fourteenth century .
20 Only a few years ago , during the " Hundred-Year Ceremony " propitiating the Gungung Agung volcano on Bali , Indonesia 's President Suharto attended the sacrifice of over eighty animals , including leopards and eagles , which were cast into the smoking crater .
21 It was confined to a small border strip of 20,000 square miles and 1,500,000 inhabitants , encompassing Roslavl' and Smolensk , but excluding important districts centred on Vitebsk , Gomel , and Mogilev which were incorporated into the RSFSR .
22 But before that stage was reached , the far-reaching social and economic changes brought about by the post-emancipation process of modernization , industrialization and the growth of capitalist relationships in Russia also found their idiosyncratic expression in Siberia , newly enlarged by the territory of the Amur and Ussuri regions which were incorporated into the empire at China 's expense by the visionary efforts of the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia , N.N. Muravev-Amurskii ( treaties of Aigun , 1858 , and Pekin , 1860 ) .
23 The current treatment of gonorrhoea was the use of strong antiseptic solutions , which were run into the urethra under considerable pressure with the idea of irrigating the urethra and washing out any pathogenic organisms .
24 The anomalies revealed here are the direct result of ageist assumptions , which were built into the social security system at the outset and have been reinforced by successive governments .
25 Lighter spirits such as vodka and white rum had become more popular , the report said , along with a growing array of speciality spirits and spirit-based drinks , all of which were eating into the whisky market .
26 The survey showed that the main impact of the four to six million barrels of oil which were poured into the Gulf during the 1990-91 Gulf War was limited to the northern shores .
27 Police sources said it was the detonator — with a small package of Semtex at its core — which failed to ignite and set off the bags of nitrate-based fertiliser which were packed into the rear of the van .
28 Each sequence was cloned into the Sma I site of pUC19 , except for the ( TA ) 10 and ( GC ) 9 G inserts which were cloned into the Sma I site of pUC13 .
29 They marched into the stadium in matching denim jackets , mini-skirts ( which were brought into the country by the US team captain , Marty Reissen ) and dark glasses .
30 It was not until 1876 that she started the meetings for mothers which were to develop into the Mothers ' Union .
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