Example sentences of "which [be] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 After fermentation , ‘ free run ’ wine is drawn off and the skins are pressed to extract further juice and tannin , which are blended with the ‘ free run ’ .
2 It is unique in having a core of units of study in Irish language and literature which are integrated with the study of Irish history and Anglo-Irish literature .
3 The simplest adequate interpretation of the evidence suggests that a driving circadian oscillator in the optic lobe is coupled electrically to the leg muscles via the protocerebrum , nerve cord connectives and thoracic ganglia , the whole system being modulated by sensory inputs which are integrated with the circadian oscillator output in the corpora pedunculata .
4 Whereas Leapor seeks to retain freedoms which are threatened with the pruning knife , Duck belongs to a section of rural society which has already seen its rights cut away .
5 Hopefully , you will have anticipated this by having shot some spare length which can be sacrificed to make room for the insert , the edit in and edit out points for which are determined with the help of the cue/review buttons .
6 At the present time there are 709 Bureaux in the United Kingdom which are registered with the National Association of Citizens ' Advice Bureaux ( NACAB ) .
7 This is affected by many things , most of which are to do with the interests and the values of the researcher , which are usually interrelated .
8 The , this is nothing to do with B S 5750 now , it 's to do with your review of forms , those forms which are to do with the relationship between accounts and er , researchers , I know will be en ooh , sorry , research and other staff .
9 What I did n't want to do at times was to overload , I wanted to start off with a time limit as we mean to go on and spread it out through the year and so I have put the important things which are to do with the quality system like internal quality audit erm , non- conformances , the corrective action , training and all stuff like that with an audit before and then things like contract print erm , I do n't think we are going to have any problems with I put those for after .
10 There is one large , wide , blunt or slightly pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 4–5 oral papillae , which are pointed with the distalmost one being the largest .
11 The following paragraph will be added after paragraph 1 : " ( 2 ) Paragraph 1 above shall be applied to liabilities of the GDR or its legal entities as well as to liabilities of the Federation or other corporate bodies and institutions under public law which are connected with the transfer of properties of the GDR to the federation , Länder and communes ( Gemeinden ) , and to liabilities arising from measures taken by the GDR or its legal entities . "
12 These are a pair of very mobile jointed appendages which are articulated with the head in front of or between the eyes .
13 Items which are purchased with the vessel and which would be sold with it , are normally to be considered as part of the hull and machinery and will be covered even if not specifically declared on the proposal .
14 A number of proposals are being worked on by housing associations , by voluntary housing bodies , by the Royal British Legion and by the Soldiers ' , Sailors ' and Airmen 's Families Association , which are working with the Confederation of British Industry , the Institute of Directors and the Department of Employment on a whole range of opportunities .
15 Although many of the homoeopathic remedies are poisons in their crude form , the process of potentization by which homoeopathic remedies are prepared separates the healing power of the remedy — the quality of the remedy — from the toxic effects , which are associated with the quantity .
16 In this chapter we have tried to convey something of the complexity of the events which are associated with the INSET developments originally conceived as an essential part of the ESSE/L Project aims , and also something of the achievements to which these events have led .
17 In addition , there is a wealth of detail relating to those features of tasks which are associated with the steep rise in their difficulty in one or more of the attainment bands within the target sample .
18 Two different strategies seem to have been adopted by researchers in tackling the problems outlined in 7.5 and 7.6 , which are associated with the relationship between syntax and various types of meaning .
19 Ophioprium was defined as follows : hidden radial shields ; large tentacle pores armed by two or more tentacle scales one attached to the lateral arm plate the other to the ventral arm plate ; numerous oral papillae forming a continuous series with long slender spinelets which are associated with the second oral tentacle pore .
20 If the approver has denied approval , the DCs which are associated with the package will be returned to state ACTIVE in order to allow the submitter to rework the modules and address the faults raised by the approver .
21 Such explosion calderas formed by rapid collapse after the evacuation of underlying magma chambers are relatively common on the summits of large strato-volcanoes and should be distinguished from the subsidence calderas of large shield volcanoes which are associated with the non-explosive eruption of basaltic lavas .
22 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
23 The chief lesions are the small , soft , greyish miliary nodules which are associated with the presence of worms and which are distributed subpleurally and throughout the lung parenchyma ; in heavy infections , sometimes observed in experimental dogs subjected to immunosuppressive drugs , the nodules may coalesce into greyish masses .
24 A quality plan will include objectives for the project which are agreed with the client .
25 Once the worms are established in the puppy 's gut , they will start to produce eggs which are expelled with the faeces .
26 Any work of art is a complex vibratory system to which our senses and nervous system respond , and any object such as the sacred wooden boards or Tapundas , or the stone Tjinas of the Aborigines , many of which are inscribed with the serpent motif , or any object that has been submitted to human veneration through actions or desires , remains charged with psychic power that can be transmitted or given off in energetic emanations providing there has been no transformation of the original material used in its creation .
27 The significance of the class and gender inequalities which are intertwined with the racism that black students encounter is thus underplayed .
28 Tenders were sought for a prototype body , 50 feet long and 8 feet wide , clearances for which were tested with the remaining Coronations .
29 Hercules acquired through Athena an enormous bronze rattle made by Hephaistos , and with this he scared them from their coverts , then shot them down with arrows , the tips of which were poisoned with the blood of the Hydra .
30 Strathclyde has a substantial history of take-up campaigns , some of which were undertaken with the full co-operation of the DSS .
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