Example sentences of "which [be] [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 After fermentation , ‘ free run ’ wine is drawn off and the skins are pressed to extract further juice and tannin , which are blended with the ‘ free run ’ .
2 Others have adopted a more holistic approach but in the form of an ecological reductionism which turns its back on science and technology , stressing traditional craft means of production and prescientific knowledges , such as astrology and alchemy ( which are imbued with a deeply humanistic Utopianism — noticeably absent from contemporary science and technology ) .
3 ‘ The presentations of new language are lively and there is plenty of practice work in both the Classbook and the Resource Book , which are packed with a wide variety of useful and stimulating material . ’
4 In addition to discussion of management problems , these sessions can be used to tackle some of the tensions and frustrations that can arise in teams of this kind , which are dealing with a rapid turnover of patients with acute problems , or problems that sometimes seem intractable , and where drop-out rates may be high .
5 All of the entries contain details of location , times of opening , admission prices , some of which are illustrated with a small map showing the exact location of the facilities , which when in a strange land will prove to be very helpful .
6 It is unique in having a core of units of study in Irish language and literature which are integrated with the study of Irish history and Anglo-Irish literature .
7 The simplest adequate interpretation of the evidence suggests that a driving circadian oscillator in the optic lobe is coupled electrically to the leg muscles via the protocerebrum , nerve cord connectives and thoracic ganglia , the whole system being modulated by sensory inputs which are integrated with the circadian oscillator output in the corpora pedunculata .
8 In this area he builds first a small depression by removing mouthfuls of sand and then produces a nest from weeds which are coated with a sticky substance so that they can be moulded with his snout .
9 Whereas Leapor seeks to retain freedoms which are threatened with the pruning knife , Duck belongs to a section of rural society which has already seen its rights cut away .
10 If you look carefully you may see a date and the maker 's initials on one of the canes , which are covered with a clear glass weight .
11 Hopefully , you will have anticipated this by having shot some spare length which can be sacrificed to make room for the insert , the edit in and edit out points for which are determined with the help of the cue/review buttons .
12 This polymer has terminal hydroxyl groups , which are esterified with an unsaturated acid , and an aziridine ( ethylene imine ) ring is added to the double bond .
13 It is unnecessary to add much to what has been said already about the horn , except to point out that owing to its conical mouthpiece and bore it is unable to produce such a loud and brilliant tone as the trumpets and trombones , which are played with a cup-shaped mouthpiece and have a cylindrical bore over the greater part of their length .
14 At the present time there are 709 Bureaux in the United Kingdom which are registered with the National Association of Citizens ' Advice Bureaux ( NACAB ) .
15 Like most shows which are manufactured with an eye to commercial success ( Winnie , High Society , to name only Buddy 's predecessors at the Victoria Palace ) , this one will probably fail .
16 This is affected by many things , most of which are to do with the interests and the values of the researcher , which are usually interrelated .
17 The , this is nothing to do with B S 5750 now , it 's to do with your review of forms , those forms which are to do with the relationship between accounts and er , researchers , I know will be en ooh , sorry , research and other staff .
18 What I did n't want to do at times was to overload , I wanted to start off with a time limit as we mean to go on and spread it out through the year and so I have put the important things which are to do with the quality system like internal quality audit erm , non- conformances , the corrective action , training and all stuff like that with an audit before and then things like contract print erm , I do n't think we are going to have any problems with I put those for after .
19 There is one large , wide , blunt or slightly pointed apical papilla flanked on each side by 4–5 oral papillae , which are pointed with the distalmost one being the largest .
20 The following paragraph will be added after paragraph 1 : " ( 2 ) Paragraph 1 above shall be applied to liabilities of the GDR or its legal entities as well as to liabilities of the Federation or other corporate bodies and institutions under public law which are connected with the transfer of properties of the GDR to the federation , Länder and communes ( Gemeinden ) , and to liabilities arising from measures taken by the GDR or its legal entities . "
21 We cram over a pound and a half of plum , sun-ripened tomatoes into every single jar : unlike some pasta sauces which are thickened with a generous helping of starch , rather than a generous helping of tasty tomatoes .
22 The programme will be based on two-day village workshops , which are initiated with an invitation by the community to SIDT 's local Field Officer .
23 These are a pair of very mobile jointed appendages which are articulated with the head in front of or between the eyes .
24 Items which are purchased with the vessel and which would be sold with it , are normally to be considered as part of the hull and machinery and will be covered even if not specifically declared on the proposal .
25 A number of proposals are being worked on by housing associations , by voluntary housing bodies , by the Royal British Legion and by the Soldiers ' , Sailors ' and Airmen 's Families Association , which are working with the Confederation of British Industry , the Institute of Directors and the Department of Employment on a whole range of opportunities .
26 So , yes there is ‘ bad ’ cholesterol , the LDL which are associated with a greater risk of heart disease , and ‘ good ’ cholesterol , the HDL which appear to have a protective effect .
27 Acceptance , dependence or rejection will therefore be inextricably tied in with the preservation of areas of activity which have given self-esteem , which are associated with a particular role function , which confirm the old person as the sort of person he or she wants to be .
28 For example a bilingual fieldworker acceptable to an Asian community in Britain would probably need to be selected carefully for a range of characteristics such as religion , geographical provenance , or political affiliation , all of which are associated with a distinctive ethnicity .
29 This report will provide a listing of all Design Changes which are associated with a particular LIFESPAN user .
30 The earthquakes here , which are associated with a long and complex mountain belt , are generally shallow and generated primarily by compressive stresses .
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