Example sentences of "which [adv] [vb past] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 GUIDING deputies with a firm hand , President Gorbachev yesterday got his way at the opening session of Congress , which duly voted against a proposal by the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko to discuss the Communist Party 's monopoly of power .
2 Near him was a door which presumably led to a room beyond .
3 There was a continual potential for conflict between the two cultures , which eventually came to a dramatic crisis in the San Antonio area .
4 Aarau became absorbed in their empire , which eventually sprawled across a large area of Europe , imposing both its rule and culture on a curiously assorted collection of peoples and languages .
5 I felt that the design for this holiday picture should be a natural and less structured design than normal , so I laid out the pressed stems of eucalyptus which naturally fell into a fan shape and used that as the basis of my design .
6 Then Clare took her by the elbow and led her along the path which suddenly went through a gate and stopped .
7 One of the images showed the trail of a particle more massive than an electron which suddenly turned through a sharp angle making an L-shape , and whose thickness and character changed at the kink .
8 The outer room contained two wash-hand basins with a paper towel dispenser and , to the left of the door , a long Formica-covered counter with a glass above it which apparently served as a dressing-table .
9 A news item in 1988 concerning a 590cm. ( approximately 19ft. ) long pilot whale washed up at Talland Bay recalls other sea mammals washed up on our coastline , one of which apparently qualified for a church burial .
10 He was also charged with forcing the king to bestow the earldom of March upon him in the Salisbury parliament of 1328 and then leading an armed band against the Earl of Lancaster , with procuring the death of the Earl of Rent , fomenting discord between Edward II and Isabella , and other offences which together amounted to a comprehensive indictment of his rule since 1326 , The earls and barons , ‘ the peers of the realm ’ , were asked to give their judgement on these charges and they declared that they were notorious and manifest to all .
11 First established as a concept by the Catalan artist in 1984 when he announced that he would be donating 300 paintings and 3000 graphic works to the city of Barcelona , the Fundació was the subject of protracted negotiations with the local autonomous government and the Ministry of Culture in Madrid , which finally resulted in a handsome level of funding for building in which to house them .
12 In the same speech she said that she wanted her government to be remembered as one ‘ which decisively broke with a debilitating consensus of a paternalistic Government and a dependent people ; which rejected the notion that the State is all powerful and the citizen is merely its beneficiary ; which shattered the illusion that Government could somehow substitute for individual performance ’ .
13 The someone , who was , of course , Dr Neil , struck a Swan Vesta to light the oil-lamp which always stood on a side-table where he usually kept the book which he was currently reading .
14 A little museum in Broadbank helps to tell the history of the town and right at the door is placed the Blue-stone : an enormous boulder which once stood on a street corner in the town and is thought to have been brought here by the Scandinavian ice flow .
15 Leonard had even met him briefly in 1949 , but this meeting at McGill was the one which quickly developed into a strong and mutual respect , a lifelong friendship .
16 His tongue tasted her , exploring with delicate strokes which gradually deepened into a passionate demand that blew her mind and exploded all her misconceptions of what a kiss could be .
17 The moment was propitious , for on 19 April 1775 the first shots were fired , at Lexington in Massachusetts , in the rebellion of the American colonists , which rapidly developed into a full-scale war and led , on 4 July 1776 , to the new United States of America formally proclaiming their independence of Great Britain .
18 Unwelcome or not , sitting in the darkness , head in hands , there came a picture of the somersaulting St Tom which rapidly turned into a circular blur like a white spinning-top with red stripes …
19 In addition a bronze arm was found , 133 cm in length , which probably belonged to a colossal statue .
20 This chapter is therefore an account of a failure to link English with national policy , a failure which also resulted in a radical diminution of the future influence of the English Association .
21 One of the successes of the bubble policy to date includes a plant in Providence , Rhode Island , where $2.7 million was saved by replacing expensive low-sulphur oil at its two plants , one with high-sulphur oil and one with natural gas , which also resulted in a net reduction of the sulphur dioxide emission ( Smith , 1981 ) .
22 They were in the hallway which also served as a reception area for the hotel and Hope raised his voice to include as many eavesdroppers as possible in his private conversation with the landlord .
23 A RollsRoyce tourer , built for Lord Astor in 1935 but which also served as a machine gun carrier in the Second World War and later as a hearse , is among classic cars gathering at Duncombe Park , near Helmsley on Sunday .
24 Together with some dinosaurs , perhaps , and with birds , which also emerged from a different reptilian stock at this time , they developed the capacity for regulating their own body temperature .
25 A police car was stoned by onlookers as it chased a stolen car which later crashed into a lampost .
26 Consideration was given to living there , but the thought of sixty bedrooms and only one bathroom was too much Legend has it that the place was once so deprived of modern conveniences that drinking water would sometimes be collected by a footman with a silver pitcher from a stream flowing in front of the main door which originally served as a moat .
27 This can be seen clearly in the medieval illustrations of post-mills which originally rested on a kind of wooden tripod .
28 The pathologist had finished with Maurice 's body , which now lay in a chapel of rest in Maidenhead , awaiting a decision on when and where the funeral was to be held .
29 Through her hair , which now lay in a tangle about her face , she saw a pair of long legs flex .
30 Hope walked rapidly from the outlying church towards Keswick which now seemed like a net , dropped on him when he was unaware , leaving him pinioned …
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