Example sentences of "which [pron] [be] so [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And the past to which you are so resolutely attached — I suppose you regard it as having been ideal ?
2 What if that forceful identity for which she is so severely castigated somewhere also operates as a kind of pull ?
3 I did , however , manage to express my views as a practitioner , as one who actually nurses in the system of which she is so poorly informed , and I suggest that if more of us did the same , then perhaps our collective expertise may have a greater influence .
4 All attempts at forced separation were met with fierce growling and threatening behaviour from the dog and a marked reluctance on the part of the stone to be ejected from the basket in which she was so blissfully happy !
5 To confront the anger of God in the way the ancient Israelites dared to do , to face it as directed against ourselves and the society of which we are so much a part , is to escape the romantic pretence , the unrelieved jollity , or the easy , unthinking speech of so much that passes for Christian belief and worship .
6 It 's a troublesome beast , this poetic ambiguity which we are so often taught to value more highly than the explicit .
7 Special old age concessions such as travel permits , cheap beef and butter , of which we are so often proud , emphasize that pensioners are to be treated differently .
8 Few know of the hard and unremitting labour of editing he has always been prepared to do , and for which there is so often so little proper recognition .
9 Increased understanding of the burdens which they carry should lead us to greater awareness of the strain under which they are so often put .
10 Despite the widespread diffusion , adaptation , and imitation of the Calvinist psalm-tunes throughout northern Europe , their ultimate contribution to Western music generally was less than that of the Lutheran hymns to which they were so closely related .
11 It is to discover something more of the pain of God , the hurt to which he is so constantly exposed , even now , after Sinai , and after Golgotha .
12 One of the things that makes his account so useful — so much more than the anecdotal triviality of which he is so carelessly accused — is his ability to compare and contrast this informal repair work with the formal structures of explicit legal process .
13 He was a born teacher and soon found that he gained great fulfillment by teaching and training others for the profession for which he was so ably fitted .
14 Keynes 's struggle to break free from the classical economics with which he was so profoundly imbued , and his recurrent comparisons with what he regarded as the most powerful , though flawed , alternative approach to macroeconomic matters , were almost totally ignored .
15 ( There is no doubt , however , that his fame was useful to the firm with which he was so closely associated . )
16 The combination of boogification with romantic lyricism in ‘ Heartbreak Hotel ’ — one element deriving from established Tin Pan Alley technique , the other from the black American subculture — produces a style already , at this early stage in Elvis 's career , teetering on the edge of that melodrama into which he was so often to fall .
17 The summer sun , to which he was so often exposed during his many sporting pursuits , had accentuated his freckles .
18 Letts , of course , has moved in the other direction , into book publishing ( Blackwells ' Art & Poster Shop has seen a 500% increase in turnover of sales of their books this year , John Harvey-Jones please note ) , but it is well worth stocking Letts ' unbeatable range of the more traditional diaries for which it is so rightly famous .
19 This section looks back further into Christian tradition and examines the concept of faith , particularly in relation to the word which it is so often contrasted to , ‘ reason ’ , in order to identify more clearly the stance adopted by the ‘ no meaning ’ theist .
20 We ought to support family life as one of the foundation stones of a good society and in consequence fight determinedly against the unemployment , poverty and lack of opportunity by which it is so often menaced .
21 Reaction even against the political system with which it was so closely integrated was muted .
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