Example sentences of "which [verb] in [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The case would go to appeal on the issue of whether West German law could apply to events which occurred in the former East German state .
2 Average January temperatures are below freezing point , even as far south as Bitola , which lies in the same latitude as Naples .
3 In Yemen , seismic activity has commenced in our Hood block which lies in the same province as the oil fields recently discovered in the adjacent Masila area .
4 I have a deep respect for Cranham Baptist Church which meets in the same street as the Community Church .
5 Individual Athenians felt no compunction at this tightening of the screws : an Athenian father of about this time called his son Karystonikos , shamelessly exulting in the ‘ Victory over Karystos ’ , and the name Naxiades , which occurs in the same inscribed casualty-list ( ML 48 ) can be similarly explained .
6 Darren explained : ‘ They have graphite shafts which react in the same way as steel , but when you strike the ball they absorb the vibration .
7 She phoned for a taxi which arrived in a few minutes .
8 Among these were PPB , which survived in two departments until the mid 1970s , PAR and MBO , which flourished in a few pilot studies .
9 But P. C. Hardwick 's Great Western Royal Hotel , which opened in the same year to provide the frontage to Paddington Station , was perhaps the earliest major building in Britain to show marked French Renaissance influence .
10 It has a leisurely , turn-of-the-century ambience , in which strolling in the many green parks , sitting in one of the string of cafés along the Paseo de Pereda , or shopping in the strikingly smart shops a few streets back , are the best ways to spend the day .
11 Figure 5 is another little collection from my trophy room , all of which developed in the same kind of way .
12 Of course , no day is typical and there are particular tensions which emerge in the few weeks before the Christmas break .
13 It is therefore ironic that the report which it unreservedly endorses and which appears in the same issue should perpetuate the thinking I seek here to expose as muddled and erroneous .
14 Siple , Brewer and Caccamise ( 1980 ) present results which point in the same direction .
15 It was not for that generation to complain if the inhabitants of India and of the dependent colonies took them at their word , albeit a mistaken word : the myth of an Empire exploited by the United Kingdom was a plant which grew in the same soil as the myth of an Empire that alone secured ‘ adequate prosperity ’ to the forty or fifty million inhabitants of the United Kingdom .
16 Two polymers which exist in the all trans state in the crystal are polyethylene and poly(tetrafluoroethylene) .
17 Rich , published in Economic History Review 2nd series ii ( 1950 ) ; ‘ English Country Towns in the 1520s ’ by J.C.K. Cornwall , which appeared in the same publication , 2nd series xv ( 1962 ) ; ‘ English Provincial Towns in the Sixteenth Century ’ by W.G. Hoskins , which appeared as a chapter in his book Provincial England ( 1963 ) ; and ‘ The Village Population in the Tudor Lay Subsidy Rolls ‘ by S.A. Payton , in English Historical Review xxx ( 1915 ) .
18 Printing plays in a cheap , unbound , quarto format indicates that the drama was commonly perceived as on the same standing as almanacs , joke books , pamphlets , and other popular writing which appeared in the same form .
19 Is the European market likely to become a genuine market which operates in the same way as the USA , and therefore give Europe the basic strengths of a vast internal demand ?
20 The zoned method of operation has also been utilised in the ‘ intermediate zoned system ’ , which operates in the same way as the detector-operated zoned system , but depends upon the secondary detector at the valve for its operation , the line detector being omitted .
21 which operates in the same way
22 These are mainly for tin but also for zinc , lead and silver which occur in the same veins , and for wolfram and tungsten , which are used in making special steels .
23 These openings , some of which occur in the same place year after year , are often of great biological importance , allowing light to penetrate , phytoplankton to bloom , and whales , seals and seabirds to survive when the rest of the sea remains covered .
24 Some wall anchors are corrosion-resistant , and through bolts are available which work in the same way as frame plugs .
25 The reason , one supposes , for their usefulness in the wind band rather than the orchestra is no doubt the weight and solidity of tone which overcomes in the former combination any disadvantages which might be caused by the highly individual tone-colour of the saxophones , and thus enables them to enrich the texture and , by their vitality , to add the gaiety and fun which are such marked features of their character , as well as a brand of melancholy particularly to be associated with the alto instrument , hence its occasional use for solo work .
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