Example sentences of "which [verb] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Both pavements have examples of a four-petalled flower " with long , broad leaves which curve to a fine tip , ( pls. 1 and 5b ) .
2 AN OPINION poll published yesterday showed a widening Danish majority for a ‘ yes ’ to the European Community Maastricht union treaty which goes to a new vote on 18 May .
3 For the clubs , as ever , the issue is money , most of which goes to the First Division .
4 Murphy knocked in a break of 136 and looked to be on target for the £1000 prize which goes to the highest break in the Blackpool stage of the tournament .
5 The average family sends back $100 a month and pays a $10 fee to send it , part of which goes to the Vietnamese government .
6 Although this may seem to be a statement of the obvious , it is in fact a very important point which goes to the very roots of movie making .
7 Perhaps the most important point to be made about postverbals is to distinguish them from the adjectives in the last remaining position , the extraclausal adjectives , which occur in an identical sequence of syntactic elements , but which correspond to a different surface structure as in : ( 45 ) the two reformers persevered undaunted two stagehands appeared , breathless They have the different intensional structure :
8 Through its lexical meaning of a movement from point A to point B , to allows one to represent two positions of the infinitive event 's spatial support in time — one before , and one at the beginning of the infinitive 's event — which correspond to the two representations of person — extra- and intra-infinitival — involved in any use of the infinitive .
9 Do any specific cells or synapses show changes which correspond to the behavioural adaptation ? — a question , which , of course , relates to the first of my criteria above .
10 In this assay two recombinant antigens , which correspond to the putative structural region of the ORF3 of HEV , are coated on polystyrene microplate wells to which serum is added .
11 Ideas are material forces for Gramsci , and hence consciousness is not spontaneous but structured in certain ways , which correspond to the general structure of society .
12 Thesaurus terms are grouped under a series of category headings which correspond to the main subfields within the area covered by the thesaurus .
13 We know that it can only oscillate at frequencies which correspond to the fundamental note and its overtones .
14 She is wearing her party smile which slashes to a snarling slaver and she makes it to the kitchen where cold steal lies on Dutch tiles .
15 It may be convenient for the last record to have a pointer which points to the first record in that list , in which case the list is a circular list , ring or chain ( see Figure 5.11 ) .
16 Sir Robert Mark goes on to tell us that after the prisoner 's appearance in court where , with his leg encased in plaster he was fined ‘ the customary ten shillings ’ , the violent navvy behaved like a perfect gent : Sir Robert Mark thus tries to squeeze out of this story a moral which points to the deteriorated relationship between the police and public .
17 The subjective threat perceived in rejection by a spouse or lawyer is given cultural expression and concrete content in the concept of sasoo , which refers to a malevolent mara ’ called a ‘ sasoo woman ’ or ‘ sasoo man ’ , that may attack the rejected party .
18 The second point to note is that there is a positive sense of the word ‘ stress ’ , which refers to a certain level of challenge which is bracing , energizing and focusing .
19 Cotton paper used to be made with cotton rags but is now made from cotton linters , which refers to the second harvest from the cotton plant .
20 In a because sentence , the reason is expressed by using a phrase which refers to the agent 's desire or aim ( e.g. , wanted to ) , whereas in a so sentence the reason is expressed by using a modal construction ( e.g. , would ) , which refers to the predicted result of the action .
21 As a result of this change , it has been suggested that the term " normal boiling point " ( which refers to the boiling point of a liquid at 101 325 Pa be replaced with the term " atmospheric boiling point " or " a.b.n " .
22 The first if the ‘ bottom of the in-tray phenomenon ’ which refers to the continuous marginalisation , trivialisation and the hope that if the language issue is ignored everyone will learn English as they come through the Channel Tunnel .
23 A wealth of fascinating history lies within the very name of the Hundred House Hotel which refers to the ancient subdivisions of the shires of England into areas known as ‘ hundreds ’ .
24 Note it is important in that case that not only the settlor but the spouse of the settlor was not domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time of the last to die otherwise the property would not be in an excluded property settlement — see s80(1) which refers to the last of the spouse or the settlor to cease to be beneficially entitled to an interest in possession .
25 Care must be taken not to confuse corporate crime , crime committed by or on behalf of businesses , with white-collar crime , which refers to the occupational status of the perpetrators and may often be directed against businesses .
26 Note : there is a short form of additional enquiries , which refers to the detailed questions by numbers , but its use is not to be recommended — it 's better to have the full questions and answers on one form .
27 However , only those which deviate to a lesser extent can be separated by fractional distillation .
28 The leading element in this upheaval was the student movement , and although students became independently active in political life all over the world — in Eastern Europe and in the Third World just as much as in the West — the principal expression of a distinctive radical doctrine and mode of political action , which became to a large extent a model for the whole international movement , was to be found in the US , in the Students for a Democratic Society ( SDS ) .
29 These issues came to a head with the Crichel Down affair in the 1950s , which led to a general ‘ moral panic ’ about administrative power .
30 Investigator Ken Randall found Gooda Walker had made unorthodox use of ‘ time and distance ’ insurance policies , which led to a possible £10 million overstatement of profits for 1988 on one syndicate , 290 .
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