Example sentences of "which [verb] [to-vb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 This may be true , and many advertisers of these categories of goods — which tend to account for the majority of advertisements appearing on TV and in major national newspapers and magazines — behave as if they believe it .
2 You therefore get an increasing tangle of bureaucratic instructions which seek to legislate for an endless series of unlikely events which have occurred at some time in the organization 's past .
3 When adult , this type may be prone to violent rages and self-righteous anger , which seem to erupt for no apparent reason , but which stem from a desperate need for self-assertion .
4 The final selection of which approach to take for the practical application of apply linguistic information is dependent on a number of factors .
5 It happens to be the case that we can not , in our language , refer to the sensible properties of a thing without introducing a word or phrase which appears to stand for the thing itself as opposed to anything which may be said about it .
6 Rebuilding work is due to get under way in the next few weeks when councillors decide which bid to accept for the contract .
7 Numerous purges in the regions were designed to root out less than committed fascists , which helps to account for the high turnover of membership in the 1930s ; A.K. Chesterton in particular was notorious for the war he waged against literal social fascists , being responsible for expelling over 300 members in Stoke in 1935 who used the local headquarters as a drinking club .
8 Treatment is free , but the Haematology Research Fund at Pembury , which helps to pay for the Clinic 's work in immunotherapy , is happy to accept contributions .
9 Furthermore , an analysis which attempts to account for the interrelationships between syntax , semantics and discourse involves quite a different relationship between sociolinguistic and syntactic theory than is implied by one which attempts to demonstrate that alternation takes place between semantically equivalent surface forms .
10 Legislation was passed in 1898 which attempted to provide for the co-ordination of the various regulations .
11 A week later the Senate created the Landesarbeitsamt — a kind of labour exchange , but one which refused to cater for the Polish unemployed of Danzig .
12 Once you have decided which tense to use for a particular section of your essay , check that you are consistent — do not for example start a narrative in one tense and later change into another , unless you have a very good reason for doing so .
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