Example sentences of "which [verb] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 The valleys of the choked and overflowing streams were speedily transformed into long stretches of bog , impassable except by a few well-defined tracks , which became marks for the enemy 's artillery .
2 which became bywords for the desecration of the countryside .
3 In addition to the secretary of state for the environment , the director-general of water services , and the EC commissioners , regulators include the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( which has already stepped in to prevent unwelcome mergers ) ; the local authorities ( responsible for monitoring and controlling the standard of clean water supplies ) ; the Drinking Water Inspectorate ( the auditor of technical standards ) ; the National Rivers Authority ( responsible for monitoring and controlling pollution in rivers , lakes and coastal waters , and for maintaining sea walls ) ; Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , HMIP ( which grants consents for the release of toxic substances into the environment ) ; and the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food ( responsible for granting consents for disposals at sea ) .
4 Brother Mark is no outsider to Continental markets , having done his MBA at Insead , the business school at Fontainebleu , which trained executives for the Single Market .
5 comes with cassettes which provide models for the exercises , and all the practice material
6 The scope for those activities is wide-ranging and students will be encouraged to undertake activities which provide opportunities for the use and development of interpersonal skills .
7 The individual being insufficient for the expression of these values , they might be extended in vicarious forms such as footservants who had nothing to do but to display their own superfluity , or pets , which provided surfaces for the further display of luxury .
8 He became the first Earl of Iveagh , and set up the Guinness and Iveagh Trusts which provided homes for the poor in Dublin and London , and made substantial contributions to Trinity College and Dublin hospitals .
9 The Inter-Andean Depression of Ecuador is controlled by two terrane boundaries ( sutures ) , the Cainozoic reactivation of which provided channelways for the double chain of volcanic cordilleras , which form a caldera-graben .
10 There is a possible test for the establishment of a sense , which has consequences for the second family of tests for ambiguity described earlier .
11 Another country which has weapons for the same reason as Iraq is the Arab state of Libya .
12 The interaction between c-Myc and Bcl-2 thus represents a novel model for oncogene cooperation which has implications for the genesis and the progression of neoplastic disease .
13 The economy continued to suffer , however , from persistent inflation , balance-of-payments and budget deficits , and a shortage of foreign exchange reserves , the management of which posed problems for the incoming National Front government .
14 He staged a counter-attack which brought him back into power in 1769 , but at the price of a financial disaster from which he never recovered ; money was borrowed to buy shares with which to create votes for the election of directors at a time when the value of the Company 's stock collapsed .
15 It is important then to draw up a list of specific personal examples which create difficulties for the client .
16 ‘ We all feel badly let down , ’ said Margaret Basterfield , of the Friends Of The Institute which raises funds for the charity .
17 In Chalatenango a permanent Local Government Executive was elected in May 1983 , which administers affairs for the whole zone .
18 John and Stephanie used a kit home , which included plans for the traditional Scottish tower .
19 A local authority scheme which included plans for the abolition of certain grammar schools was altered following a local election at which the party in power changed from Labour to Conservative .
20 The 1966 congress of the CPNI adopted a ‘ Democratic Programme for Unity ’ , which included demands for the electoral law in Northern Ireland to be brought into line with that in Britain , except for the reintroduction of proportional representation and the abolition of cash deposits by candidates .
21 At a meeting with Yeltsin on Nov. 3 , Civic Union 's representatives presented its " anti-crisis " economic programme [ see p. 39108 ] which included demands for the resignation of several prominent reformist ministers .
22 The National Assembly of Popular Power ( ANPP ) on Oct. 29 approved a new electoral law which established mechanisms for the election of deputies and members of provincial assemblies " by direct and secret vote " .
23 The Mr Universe competition brought him to London , and he was recruited for a tour of South Pacific which needed men for the chorus .
24 Roll argues that the empirical investigations of the CAPM which use proxies for the true market portfolio are really tests of the mean-variance efficiency of those proxies , not tests of the CAPM .
25 Their immediate neighbours helped the Hauxwells with a willingness which speaks volumes for the selfless , caring attitude common among Dalesfolk .
26 Careful manipulation of the mid-boost even provided some pretty creditable electro-acoustic sounds , which speaks volumes for the versatility of the instrument and its circuitry .
27 SDR General Manager Richard Elliott commented : ‘ Having only run some 22,000 miles since its rebuilt , No. 80064 is in good condition which speaks volumes for the quality of the original restoration led by our Chief Engineer Alan Gosling and the subsequent care by the Bluebell Railway .
28 This issue figured strongly in the election campaign , and appeared to benefit the Centre Party , which won seats for the first time .
29 The protocol , which was subject to ratification by the governments of the states concerned , effectively marked a compromise between those countries which favoured the eventual opening of Antarctica to mineral exploitation ( notably the United Kingdom and the United States ) , and those which supported proposals for the continent to be declared a " world park " ( which included Australia and France ) .
30 The 50-year ban , which now needs to be ratified by the governments of the 26 " voting members " of the Treaty , was a compromise between those nations which favoured the eventual opening of the Antarctic to mineral exploitation ( notably the USA and UK ) , and those which supported proposals for the continent to be declared a " world park " ( led by Australia and France ) .
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