Example sentences of "which [verb] [adv] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Youth Club of the Paris Commune as it was officially known , or the ‘ Paree ’ as its more irreverent members called it , was a gimcrack affair , cracked concrete and cheap plastic panels , tucked beside the inevitable block of flats , and a health centre , but it was well equipped : table tennis , television , a library , a concert room , a rather more substantial annexe for weight lifting , a hall which doubled up for meetings of the Free German Youth and dancing , and a comfortable lounge where one could buy coffee and soft drinks .
2 One point which cries out for consideration is this : do the Christian doctrines which Hegel has transposed into his own metaphysical key still mean the same ?
3 ‘ I believe that it is quite wrong that you should refuse this reasonable request and I regret to say that your attitude is all too typical of the secretive nature of British government , which cries out for reform . ’
4 But Poulantzas argues that the attribution of the power to manipulate to the ruling class elevates it to the status of a subject — an agent who does things — and thereby reintroduces the idea of collective intensions which cry out for individualist explanation .
5 Nevertheless , there are usually many changes of direction and odd features which cry out for explanation .
6 Identifying areas which cry out for improvement or even simply areas of muddle and misunderstanding , is by no means negative — rather a spur to action .
7 The second was a law enforcement action brought by the Crown ; he referred in particular to such an action brought under a statute which provided expressly for enforcement of a provision of the statute by civil proceedings by the Crown , which was the position in the Hoffmann-La Roche case [ 1975 ] A.C. 295 where the Crown was proceeding pursuant to a provision of the Monopolies and Restrictive Practices ( Inquiry and Control ) Act 1948 .
8 It is the governments of countries which do not manufacture them — The Netherlands and Denmark , for instance — which press hardest for action .
9 Although higher taxes will dampen consumer spending , they should also help to reduce the long-term interest rates which matter most for business investment and home buying .
10 The Education Act of 1981 required that each school prepare a document which set out for parents its aims , objectives , organisation and curriculum policy .
11 A UN convoy which set off for Srebrenica yesterday was turned back by Serbian police backed up by an armoured car .
12 It began during Henry VIII 's reign with the Cromwellian injunctions of 1536 and 1538 , which singled out for destruction superstitious images attracting pilgrimages and offerings .
13 Foreigners , which pay less for labour and in many cases make components of equal quality , are winning business away from German firms .
14 One neighbour said in a written statement that she often heard a baby ‘ crying for help ’ which went on for hours and hours though she did not contact the police .
15 The Strangeways riot , which went on for days longer than necessary because of squabbling between the Home Office prison department and the prison governor .
16 The victory of Roman imperialism can in its turn be described as the result of four factors : the new direction given by Rome to the social — that is the military — forces of old Italy ; the utter inability of any Hellenistic army to match the Romans in the field ; the painful erosion of Celtic civilization and its appendages which went on for centuries and ultimately enabled the Romans to control the resources of western Europe from the Atlantic to the Danubian regions ; and finally the cooperation of Greek intellectuals with Italian politicians and writers in creating a new bilingual culture which gave sense to life under Roman rule .
17 The chaos on the military front , the continued threat of German invasion , the disintegration of the domestic economy with the prospects of both famine and civil anarchy : all these established the first emergencies facing the regime , the imperatives which cried out for response .
18 This was an area which cried out for reform .
19 Pensions , however , were not the only area which cried out for reform .
20 Which suited okay for Scavvies who grazed on a hive 's garbage , who supped on its polluted excretions — and skragged each other for the chance to do so .
21 There are matters concerning the teaching of languages for specific purposes ( LSP ) which come up for consideration here as well .
22 Thirdly , there is a need for better appreciation of the complex dynamics which are at work in small task-focused groups , such as those which come together for case conferences , especially when anxiety about an individual old person is running high .
23 He was an uncomplicated , well-meaning Organisation Man and was always called ‘ JC ’ , which stood either for Jesus Christ or Julius Caesar .
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