Example sentences of "which [verb] [adv] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was hostile to the joint-stock company as a medium through which to carry on business enterprise .
2 It is not one to rally the world 's peasantries , pastoralists and other land-users to change the social conditions which bring about soil erosion in the first place .
3 EIE has bought 446,000 square feet of offices in two blocks of 11 and 15 storeys which make up Britannic House West , built 10 years ago and close to the Bank of England .
4 All but three of the 34 residents at the Victoria Residential Home on Barton Street have come from the collection of buildings which make up Aycliffe Hospital .
5 The method involves the generation of a ‘ normal ’ or background image which contains only bone marrow , liver and spleen activity .
6 Two alternatives to a transformer for splitting the phase of a signal are the potential-divider arrangement of figure 8.11(b) , which attenuates the input signal by a factor two while splitting the phase , and the transistor phase splitter of figure 8.11(c) , which has virtually unity gain provided R is large enough .
7 Sun wo n't let go of the advantages of its own technology , which include font maker technology originally from its 1988 acquisition of Folio Inc ( UX No 198 ) which speeds up font design , especially when big-alphabet Japanese , Korean , Taiwan and Chinese applications are involved .
8 The cost of underwriting claims , such as the massive bomb in April which caused over £800m worth of damage to the Baltic Exchange and the headquarters of the Commercial Union in the City of London , had proved too great .
9 This appears to be true of chimpanzees ( under poor food conditions ) , orang-utans , and spider monkeys which show neither coalition formation nor matrilines .
10 After 50yds fork right onto a track which climbs up Triscombe Combe .
11 The box , which measures around 1′ square by 3″ high can then display pre-programmed messages on its small LCD screen .
12 More than Dm300 million was set aside for future environmental protection measures , and stocks were valued according to the ‘ last in , first out ’ principle , which cuts out paper profit ( and thus reduces taxable profit ) when prices rise .
13 The new tests will apply to all post-1983 cars ; those from 1968 onwards will be required to take the existing basic emissions test , which checks only carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon outputs at idling speed .
14 This can be seen in figure 7.2 , which shows how manufacturing employment in the 1960s and 1970s grew most dramatically in what were basically the more rural parts of the country .
15 The solicitors for Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council , which paid out £15,000 compensation to Veronica Bland , have confirmed that reports in the media may have given the false impression that such a relationship has been established .
16 In the plan , British Telecom would install videodisc players at the point in a cable system which links up subscribers TV sets .
17 Adults were allocated to one of these two groups by a pair of tests which determined both GPC familiarity and spelling ability before they were asked to pronounce lists of regular or irregular words .
18 In other ‘ polygenic ’ diseases , such as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus , the HLA system has now been extensively studied at the molecular level and alleles identified which determined both disease susceptibility and restance .
19 It 's worth also mentioning , since you saw it in the practical class , that staphylococci in general produce this enzyme catalase all of these er lo thi this is the enzyme which breaks down hydrogen peroxide and detoxifies it .
20 Oil company officials said that they were excited at the new possibilities which opens up territory equivalent in size to the oil-producing state of Texas .
21 The policy implication here is that family planning programmes are linked strongly with conservation programmes ( as in Kenya or in India in Sanjay Gandhi 's Four ( and later Five ) Point Programme which included both family planning and reafforestation ) .
22 Banking involvement in the MBO scene has contracted sharply as a whole tier of European and Far Eastern banks , which took on MBO debt in the eighties because of the lucrative margins available , melted away and left the field to a handful of long-standing domestic participants such as NatWest , Barclays and Bank of Scotland .
23 The last of these is a news wire distribution service which sends out PR material to those newspapers which subscribe to the service .
24 A variety of methods have been employed to dissuade unauthorized personnel ; from security staff permanently on guard to the introduction of special locks and interlocks which close down equipment movement in the event of any irregularity .
25 The ultimate worth of any allocation depends on consumer tastes , which determine how people value what they are given .
26 ‘ Plum ’ consequently became a blanket term for dried fruit , which explains why plum pudding does not actually contain any .
27 ONE of the things which sums up Border rugby is that when one arrives at Mansfield Park for a match , the bloke cheerfully parking cars in the wind and rain is liable to be one of Hawick 's living legends .
28 This was followed by a mystery stomach bug which struck down Blues midfielder Ian McCoosh and several directors in Tbilisi — plus virtual house-arrest in the hotel as Georgian security feared for the safety of their Western visitors .
29 This activity was quite widely popular , with the exception of the changes in trade union law which had only minority support .
30 In the 1580s the Turkey Company and the Venice Company were founded , and in 1592 they combined to form the Levant Company , which learned enough about the riches of the Indies for various members of it to organize the East India Company , which had about £68,000 trading capital for its first voyage and a charter granted on 31 December 1600 .
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