Example sentences of "which [noun] had be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Ludens saw , on top of a closed suitcase in a corner , the curious light-brown cap which Marcus had been wearing when Ludens had seen him first , through the window of Red Cottage .
2 He lay on his side , holding the covers over him by their edges , gazing at some of his copies of Vogue , which Tessa had been looking through and left lying on the carpet in front of the fire , where they glowed pink and red .
3 As soon as Fiver had found a place to clamber out , he led the way along the edge to the bank which Hazel had been looking at before Hawkbit spoke to him .
4 This powerfully confirmed the way in which Tolkien had been accustoming himself to think about the world ever since he grew to manhood .
5 Richard used a new toothbrush which Martin had been saving fresh from the cellophane .
6 It was pointed out that from the early '60s onwards some parts of British manufacturing had been facing increased economic difficuIties , in particular because of heightened international competition , which firms had been adopting strategies to counter .
7 But , if underfloor engines and transmissions were to be used , they had to be in a different league of reliability and performance from the DMUs which BR had been running since the 1950s .
8 The skull smashed , apparently by a heavy mallet which Lorrimer had been examining .
9 Then she pulled up to the table the kitchen chair upon which Jack had been sitting and sat down , placing her elbows on the table and her head in her hands .
10 Gilbert retrieved the portable equipment which Frye had been using and led the way gingerly to the corridor , asking weakly : ‘ Which door ?
11 Theoretically , therefore , the statutes made possible the social transformation for which liberals had been striving .
12 The loss of Ozawa was seen by many as a serious blow to Kaifu 's position , not least because it removed the chief architect of the process of co-operation between the LDP , Komeito and the DSP which Ozawa had been constructing in the Diet .
13 There was a perfect grace which architects had been working towards through the seventeenth century and which seemed to peak in its purest form at about this time , not without a little Royal influence from Holland !
14 While just behind it , standing still and staring towards Minch 's cage , the shape that had seemed to loom so large , as if it was one of the standing stones of which Minch had been speaking , became the shape of a man .
15 But it was not this group , as Allen knew , with which America had been dealing .
16 Hopper and Fonda were looking for finance , although all that existed at the time was an eight-page outline for the plot , which Fonda had been toting around .
17 The language used to describe this is reminiscent of Harrison , as well as clearly relating to the technique of Charlie Mears , Tiresias , and the dromenon- like patterning with which Eliot had been experimenting in the quatrain poems .
18 This old way , ‘ With an alien people clutching their gods ’ , looks back to the savage world which Eliot had been exploring , the world trapped in the ritual of ‘ birth , and copulation , and death ’ .
19 At the end of this campaign it looked at last as if the time of peace had come , when the Council for which Anselm had been pressing for the past four years could be held with royal support .
20 I did n't have another bridesmaid , nor did I have Southall in a cart , which Clare had been training him for , as a surprise for me .
21 It was the vehicle for which Crawford had been looking .
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