Example sentences of "or do [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Please continue a positive attitude to gay issues , or do n't do it at all .
2 Either mean it , or do n't do it . ’
3 ‘ Confidentiality ’ may mean my right ( or wish ) that you do not pass on what I have told you ( or do n't identify me as the informant ) , or it may mean my wish ( or right ) that you do not pass on information about me , or , with ‘ professional ’ prefixed , it may mean that our group will support each other by saying nothing about each other 's judgements , competencies or foibles .
4 Or do n't tell me that all those questions about Ryan were simply so that you could track him down and make him pay the money back ? ’
5 But erm , sometimes they have n't covered it completely , or do n't understand it , they 've just ticked it , and signed it to say that they know what they 're doing .
6 Most people just listen to weather forecasts and either believe them or do n't believe them and certainly get cross with people like yourselves if it
7 Christopher will you drink that or do n't wipe it on the floor !
8 While most middle-class women say they dislike housework and most working-class women say they like or do n't mind it , there are some in each class group who deviate from this pattern .
9 As regards to homework , I just got on with it myself or did n't do it at all . ’
10 or did n't think they were
11 But if he had no bill and or did n't pick it up , you 'd tell the proprietor that he must take his own proceedings — he 's swindled you out of the price of a meal and it 's a civil action .
12 When Queen Elizabeth , on a state visit to Germany in May 1965 , arrived in Stuttgart for a formal lunch , John took care over his clothes but either forgot or did not think it necessary to find a pair of socks less obtrusive than the bright reds or blues he favoured at that time .
13 So I used to encourage his own poetry , and his ideas for poetic themes , even when I knew they were poor or did not interest me .
14 But the rest either did not find them so , or did not consider it relevant to their teaching of mathematics .
15 McCallum assumes that the government decides its monetary and fiscal policies for period t at the end of period t - 1 and can not or does not change them in period t .
16 If the handler tries simply to grasp the scruff or does not hold it tight behind the ears he is liable to be bitten .
17 The father , for reasons put forward by Miss McCreath connected with his own situation and his wish to as it were be forgiven for his past behaviour , and in the hopes of showing that he can in the future notwithstanding his past behaviour be contemplated as somebody to play a röle in the life of his children , supports the making of an interim care order or does not oppose it because he acknowledges that there should be supervision by the plaintiffs .
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