Example sentences of "or [adv] that [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He can excuse himself by showing that the escape was owing to the plaintiff 's default ; or perhaps that the escape was the consequence of vis major , or the act of God ; but as nothing of this sort exists here , it is unnecessary to inquire what excuse would be sufficient .
2 Although Britain has been occupied by man for more than 25,000 years , in a form of intermittent visits over long periods between glaciations , it is only for the last 12,000 years or so that the country has been continuously occupied , with people moving into Britain permanently to exploit what resources were available .
3 It has only been in the last year or so that the Government has started to grapple with major areas of social policy like education and housing .
4 For the thirty seconds or so that the video lasted , John was alive , but I could n't hold on to it for any longer than that .
5 Check every 20 minutes or so that the water has not boiled away and , if so , replenish with boiling water .
6 ( Indeed , it is only within the last thirty years or so that the skyscraper has arrived in Milan ) .
7 Holyfield came under such prolonged assault in the first minute or so that the crowd were reduced to a state of suspended animation , tensed for the moment when he would drop .
8 In this notation positive feedback corresponds to or so that the gain is increased .
9 Around 1204 , however , the two quarrelled and Eustace became a fugitive : it is with his adventures in the next year or so that the biography , composed between 1223 and 1284 by an unknown poet from Picardy , is principally concerned .
10 In other situations a rumour or suspicion may with great care be reported if its existence ( irrespective of its truth ) has some significance , if its victim is allowed to reply and renounce the allegation and if the publisher is scrupulous not to indicate expressly or impliedly that the allegation is true .
11 Finally , the requirement that a bystander should be terrified was qualified where the offence occurred in public , so that it was not necessary to prove either that a bystander was actually terrified , or even present , or even that a bystander was even likely to be present .
12 It was n't just that copies of knitting patterns in a popular British magazine were regarded as subersive , or even that the border guards had strict rules about the permitted length of visitors ' hair .
13 One correspondent , however , sees little evidence today of an agreed understanding of what constitutes monastic music or even that the music of the monastic tradition is above all the vehicle for its prayer .
14 The fact that it has happened before , or even that the opportunity is always there is something I do n't mention .
15 Er , the public consultation that was held actually did n't produce anybody saying they were opposed to the line of the road or even that the road should go there , so we seem to have a fairly unanimous decision that way , that the road should be er implemented .
16 Some of the pottery found in the temple at Knossos says that it is ‘ royal ’ , but this may mean no more than ‘ state ’ or ‘ official ’ or even that the pottery was made by state potters ( Haskell 1983 ) .
17 Surely there is something paradoxical in claims that the crisis has lasted for decades , or even that the system has been ‘ in a perpetual state of crisis since the Gladstone Committee report of 1995 ’ ( Fitzgerald and Sim , 1992 : 3 ) .
18 By section 12 , the senior police officer is empowered to impose conditions on the proposed march if he reasonably believes that it may result in serious public disorder , serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community , or alternatively that the purpose of persons organising the march is to intimidate others ‘ with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do , or to do an act they have a right not to do . ’
19 If the Net Present Value is positive , this shows that an enterprise borrowing funds at the given interest rate would make a profit after meeting interest payments , or alternatively that an enterprise possessing surplus money capital would make a better return on the funds by carrying out the investment project rather than lending the funds at interest .
20 Is it a function of ageing or simply that the mode of communication may become more restrained and that the emotional experiences are as rich as ever ?
21 The drugs coverage underlined that the paper was shifting rapidly — if erratically — from its earlier goal of being a London community paper , or maybe that the community to which it was addressing itself had changed rapidly in the year since its birth .
22 There is hardly any modern authority which suggests , as did the judges in Clarence , that either a wife can unilaterally in certain circumstances withdraw her consent , or else that the ambit of consent is restricted so that a wife is not deemed to consent to her husband where his conduct is egregious .
23 The audience influences the style by indicating the seriousness , formality , or otherwise that the publication should adopt and the first area that this affects is the way the text is laid out on the page .
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