Example sentences of "or [adv] [vb base] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The subject would climb upon a chair to brush them from about the gas jet or stealthily try to touch an imaginary fly on the table with his finger .
2 Are there tasks in which children partly or wholly fail to understand the language which the teacher is using ?
3 Too much nitrogen encourages an abundance of leaf tissue that is not balanced by enhanced root activity to support it , or enough potash to keep the plant structure hard .
4 Many books published in the last decade or so seem to underline the importance of ‘ anticipatory grieving ’ , with the result that relatives and friends can be forced into expressing emotion they may not yet be ready to express .
5 Suppose , for example , that the police seek to remove a person 's clothing , or to take fingerprints when they are not authorised to do so , or persistently seek to question a person who makes it plain that he has no wish to answer , or seek to enter a house when they have no search warrant or a defective one .
6 The adoral shields are wing shaped , with very angular lateral projections and separate or just fail to separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
7 Few organizations however formally acknowledge it , or deliberately try to develop the coaching role .
8 The company that requires us to pay out the smallest subsidy will be given the franchise and allow to use or probably allow to decay a facility that 's been established over the years while it takes its profit and distributes them to its shareholders .
9 They may not , for instance , be prepared to risk having any kind of emotional engagement ( I recently worked with a group of headteachers for whom this seemed to be a problem ) ; or they may not trust each other or the teacher ; or the ‘ hidden curriculum , of the group 's own dynamics may cut across the drama 's requirements ( for instance if the strong natural leader within the group is not given her usual leadership function within the fiction ) ; or the group may concentrate too hard on preparing material for ‘ showing ’ so that they miss out almost entirely on ‘ playing the drama game ’ ; or they may dislike drama or really want to perform a play or are simply not in the mood to submit to the experience .
10 Furthermore , the public inquiry commands the attention of large and powerful organisations which would like to disregard or even try to belittle the findings of an inspector 's report if it commented unfavourably on activities for which those organisations had responsibility .
11 The whole affair , however , was symptomatic of the consistent refusal of planning staffs to understand or even try to appreciate the potential of the SAS , encamped within easy striking distance of the enemy 's lines of communication .
12 It seems to me that while you work initially for local councils and local councillors who should , obviously , be the people who have the power and the say , and far be it from me to recommend that you ignore or even threaten to undermine the democratic process , however imperfect it it it may it may be , you have you are working for that local council .
13 Sometimes volunteers alternate between normal and long sleeps ( lasting 16 rather than 8 hours , for example ) or even appear to adopt a sleep/wake cycle that lasts about 50 rather than 25 hours .
14 If you want to know more about a rug you already own , or simply want to develop a general interest in the subject , study the design schemes ( described in Chapter IV ) , and the characteristics of rugs from the various producing countries ( Chapter V ) .
15 If a student asks a question to which the tutor can not give a satisfactory answer on the spur of the moment , he/she should make no attempt to bluff but frankly admit ignorance , and , possibly with the help of the class , set to work to find out the answer , or else undertake to find the answer for the next class .
16 In the absence of a firm formula , the parties will either tie themselves to a fixed price for the duration of the agreement ( which is clearly usually undesirable ) or else have to provide an agreement with a shorter duration , but with an option of renewal if new prices can be agreed .
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