Example sentences of "or [noun sg] [to-vb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Few of us have the time , training , or expertise to do this job properly , even if it were possible to do it for a population as small as 10 000 people — which it is not .
2 If , for instance , guests used a swimming pool at a hotel after dark , it is clear that they have by so doing stepped outside the scope of their invitation or permission to use that part of the premises , and a duty is not owed to them .
3 This is because activities that run counter to expected norms need seclusion or invisibility to permit unsanctioned performance , and because the peculiar identities are sometimes impossible to realise in the absence of the appropriate setting .
4 But there needs to be a commitment on the part of the college or course to give more time and greater attention to music 's role in worship .
5 ‘ I have always been interested in woodwork but do n't have the artistic skills or patience to make fine furniture , ’ he said .
6 A poetic context can also condition the reader or hearer to accept grammatical deviance , especially if syntactic well-formedness is clearly being sacrificed to some higher aesthetic end , such as the maintenance of rhyme , or metre , or some other patterning .
7 The Greeks were too busy celebrating their victories against the Celts in verse or marble to give serious thought to the causes of such commotions .
8 Design using ergonomic principles ( see Appendix 5 , Glossary ) involves designing the job , working environment or product to take proper account of human capabilities and fallibilities .
9 There is also no right of appeal against : ( i ) the making of or refusal to make an emergency protection order ; or ( ii ) the extension or refusal to extend such an order ; or ( iii ) the discharge or refusal to discharge such an order ; or ( iv ) the giving of or refusal to give any direction in connection with such an order ( s45(10) as amended by CLSA 1990 ) .
10 In order to maintain the authority of the teacher or librarian and to make pupils aware that microcomputers do not exist merely for playing games but have a wider range of educational applications , it is important for the librarian or teacher to have basic knowledge of microcomputers .
11 Power is one of a cluster of concepts that are all , concerned with the ability of one person or group to affect another person or group as expressed in our general definition of power .
12 But what of practices that still do not have the infrastructure or confidence to offer diabetic surveillance ?
13 Information concerning motility of the entire colon has been obtained by indirect measures such as the movement of radioopaque markers or barium to assess colonic transit time .
14 Diagnostic difficulties in those cases were related to confusing radiological and endoscopic appearances or failure to obtain histological confirmation of lymphoma .
15 But why , I wonder , is it almost always assumed that when a marriage ( or relationship to use modern jargon ) ceases to function , the man is to blame and that where there are children , he is less fitted to oversee their upbringing ?
16 ‘ language or conduct is not said to be insulting unless it is intended to show contempt or disesteem , or is understood by the hearer or observer to show this attitude . ’
17 This is not to condone ‘ stretching ’ defences , using diminished responsibility to cover mercy killing , for example , or provocation to cover excessive defence , but rather to examine whether the defences have common rationales which can be drawn together .
18 But , nevertheless , the House of Lords held that a manufacturer who sold food or medicine or the like in containers of a nature that the distributor or ultimate purchasers or consumers could not discover the defect by inspection is under a legal duty to the ultimate purchaser or consumer to take reasonable care that the article is free from defect likely to cause injury to health .
19 If , however , you have already received and complied with a similar request from the Library 's Agent in London , Mr A T Smail , 100 Euston Street , NW1 2HQ , there is no need or obligation to deliver another copy to this Library .
20 Bear in mind that in positions ( a ) and ( c ) the curtains should skirt the sill or floor to prevent undue wear and avoid soiling the hemline .
21 In order to appreciate the factors which motivate a writer or speaker to make this kind of selection , one needs to think of the clause as a message rather than as a string of grammatical and lexical elements .
22 It is unusual for a genuine clinic or hospital to use such paper .
23 Section 120(3) makes it an offence for a promoter or participant to receive any payment or the benefit of any payments which some other participant is induced to make by reason that the prospect is held out to him of receiving payments or other benefits for introducing other persons into the scheme .
24 Use a different colour or symbol to identify each part of your question .
25 worker input : day care transport 3 1–7 days main meal preparation or help with eating 1 1 or 2 visits per week or fortnight to relieve informal carer 6 1–7 evenings per week to ensure client safe and prepared for night 1
26 We did n't have the time or energy to pay much attention to the other theatres of war , unless we had someone out there .
27 The offence of incest is committed by a man who has sexual intercourse with a person whom he knows to be his granddaughter , daughter , sister or mother , and by a woman aged 16 or over who permits her grandfather , father , brother , or son to have sexual intercourse with her .
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