Example sentences of "or [vb infin] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , when the risk-free asset is introduced to this situation investors will all either borrow or lend at the risk-free rate .
2 Although few of us would expect an Eskimo to react or think in the same way as we do , we are nevertheless continually guilty of the same foolish assumption in regard to nationalities closer to home .
3 Insects that fly in at the sides encounter a vertical baffle of netting that divides the trap along its axis , and tend to fly or clamber to the highest point of the baffle where the only way out is into a collecting jar .
4 No matter how well intentioned an author may be , no matter how good his work is considered , a lavish photographic book of this kind , and of this price , must stand or fall on the sheer quality of the pictures selected and the way in which they are presented .
5 Slopes may lead but they do not break off or fall in the standard language .
6 Poland had by now withdrawn most of its trade through the city to its own port at Gdynia , and the Reich could hardly be expected to maintain or guarantee for an indefinite period the subsidy the city required.20 Lipski and Göring agreed that Germany and Poland should draw together in an understanding that they would jointly stabilise the city if the League should either collapse or decide to withdraw from Danzig .
7 ( pp167-8 ) ( g ) Criminal use of ineffective exemption clauses Under the Consumer Transactions ( Restrictions on Statements ) Order 1976 ( SI 1976 No 1813 ) , it is a criminal offence for anyone , in the course of a business , to display or publish or include in a written document , an exemption clause which is void by virtue of s6 of UCTA 1977 .
8 Glass , however , may crystallize out or devitrify in the solid state if it 's left long enough , with myriads of tiny crystals forming and making it opaque .
9 In this case the librarian may choose to purchase or borrow through the interlending system , depending upon the work 's quality and the likelihood of its being requested and/or used again .
10 A House of Commons Select Committee found that local authorities had a considerable amount of discretion over what to include in or exclude from the secular curriculum .
11 Something like seventy five percent or sixty six or seventy five percent of the , of the units which we actually let , of the houses that we actually let , go to homeless families you know , it is a complete fiction to suggest , or even try and suggest as this does that somehow or other houses are being allocated willy-nilly to people who have massive resources who could go out and buy or rent in the private sector .
12 Time will tell whether , in trying to tailor the magic formula to their own requirements , Britain 's new-look high-street off-licences will sink or swim into the Nineties .
13 Choose one with a 300 or 350mm ( 12 to 14in ) blade and a plastic handle ( which wo n't split or crack like a wooden one ) .
14 Soon all those who dare to smile or weep at the wrong moment will be sent to the poles … a cruel ruler will seize power , everyone who does not learn to keep silent will be put in prison and the extermination of mankind will begin . ’
15 Bad debts are kept low because of the ‘ common bond ’ which members of a union must share , ie they must live or work in the same neighbourhood , or belong to the same organisation , such as a church .
16 Planning colour schemes involves choosing and balancing colours which will contrast or harmonise in a pleasing way .
17 His arithmetic was supported by a BBC poll which calculated 36 Tory MPs would either abstain or vote against the Prime Minister .
18 This indicates that the politics of local government do not just respond or react to the local environment , but crucially that they also help to mould this environment , and thus to a certain extent help to shape the local political agenda .
19 Many restraints , as in Commercial Plastics , refer to the fact that a party may not solicit or compete with the other party in relation to those who were customers at the date of the determination of the contract .
20 A refusal to correct or apologise for an obvious mistake will enlarge the damages , as will the seriousness of the libel and the degree to which it is repeated .
21 If the rider 's weight is in front of the horse 's , he may cause the horse to fall or stop in the above instances .
22 So , a bigger church was needed to cater for the rapidly increasing numbers , and a most un-lamb like argument over whether they should extend or move to a new site raged for six years .
23 I di I dive off the first board but I could n't even jump or drop off the second board .
24 Rights to either buy or sell at a specified price within a specified period ( 3 months ) .
25 Debate in the early days of the new Assembly was reported as more lively than previously , and opposition members were said to be testing the government 's receptiveness to reform : 32 members called for the formation of a committee to investigate Kuwait 's failure to anticipate or respond to the Iraqi invasion of August 1990 [ see pp. 37631-41 ] ; several members were said to have demanded an investigation of alleged mishandling of Kuwait 's overseas investments ; and a draft law was introduced that would widen the franchise , including extending the vote to women .
26 lines of type that do not start or end at the same position .
27 Look for Revlon 's Innerlash Mascara ( £9.50 ) or Cil 18 Heures ' from Bourjois ( £3.79 ) which are both waterproof but easy to remove or go for the super , long-lasting Marathon Mascara ( £2.81 ) from Cover Girl which will need specific waterproof make-up remover .
28 Those who persisted discovered the drives ' disconcerting tendency to implode or deliquesce at the merest touch of a screwdriver .
29 ‘ Fans demand the right to sit or stand in a safe ground . ’
30 … I can not find anything in the cases decided under the railway and electricity statutes which would necessitate or lead to a contrary view .
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