Example sentences of "or [modal v] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 The mark of the adjudicator is simply that he is called upon to decide what parties in dispute should have done or should do in the circumstances of a particular case .
2 That takes us to Joint Planning and the part of the voluntary organisations play or should play in the process .
3 Maxwell-Fyfe replied that virulent anti-Americanism was confined to a small minority , but he made the most of the opportunity to spell out the extent of British alarm over what the Americans were doing or might do in the Far East .
4 In other words , the Board of Trade could more or less control the Service , co-operating with other agencies when and where it thought necessary , although those LEAs which had or might have in the future statutory powers for dealing with juveniles were permitted to submit schemes for the exercise of these powers , provided they could obtain the permission of both Boards .
5 The service , Mr. Park argued , could either consist in the grant of a sub-licence which enabled the operator to do in Vancouver what he could not otherwise lawfully do or could consist in the refraining by the taxpayer from stopping the grantee doing what he could otherwise be stopped from doing .
6 What I done on that night was no more than any other police officer does or would do in the same situation .
7 When they were , by one LEA , advised about how to produce a management plan , they were told that there was probably " much information already in the school which would either be part of the plan or would help in the process of producing specific documents within it . "
8 Others are already in place or will follow in the future .
9 The Purchaser will normally expect warranties from all Vendors — whether or not they worked or will work in the business .
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