Example sentences of "or [adv] just [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 To his embarrassment , the lawyer at the hearings then obliged him to go through a whole code-sheet to get the names into the record , or perhaps just to entertain the audience .
2 If I had been a marquis , I felt , I would still have been in bed or perhaps just parting the curtains and peering out to see what kind of day it was But Lord Hulton worked all the time , just about as hard as any of his men .
3 What Tumbleweed are doing is more or less just putting the two approaches together .
4 The adoral shields are short , rectangular in shape , they do not or only just separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
5 O. valenciennesi rufescens differs from O. valenciennesi Lyman ( Challenger Stn 192 off Kei Is 236 m ) in the following respects : the disk spinelets are not as rugose as those of O. valenciennesi and the adoral shields do not or only just separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate , those of O. valenciennesi are more wing-like and extend to the genital slits .
6 The adoral shields are long wing-like and flared distally separating or only just separating the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
7 Playing your part can be as simple as being a good neighbour — keeping an eye on a neighbour 's house while they 're away ; or even just letting the Police know if you see someone acting suspiciously around cars or property .
8 People do n't seem to look at other people , whereas in the towns and villages in the north that I have known the locals will bid you good day or smile as you go in and out of shops or even just crossing the street .
9 In most cases with either incipient or full spins , any movement forward , or even just relaxing the backward movement of the stick , would prevent or stop the spin immediately .
10 Or maybe just ask the er the chap with the arm round her .
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