Example sentences of "or [adv] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These may of course in practice be confused or entangled with each other , as they are in Northern Ireland , or as they are in any state where the elections are largely or wholly a political ritual or a way of mobilizing mass support or approval for a regime in which party and state are indistinguishable , and electoral choice between contestants for office non-existent .
2 A further step , or rather a great deal of research , would be greatly more significant in terms of the question we are considering .
3 The word comes from the Latin homo ( stem , homin — ) , a man , or rather a human being of either sex , + cidium , killing .
4 A typical present might be a bomb , or rather a hand-grenade alarm clock .
5 ( 3 ) Sub-sub-headings might have an underline in blue , or perhaps a dotted underline .
6 She is an applied artist , producing witty and colourful furniture , screens and floor cloths : her raw material could be an unpromising kitchen chair , c1955 , with plastic leather seat and sturdy legs , or perhaps a chain-store chest of drawers of dubious design .
7 At first Cottle was asked to consider a new edition of Poems on Various Subjects , or a volume of Wordsworth 's poems , or perhaps a joint edition of Osorio and The Borderers .
8 In your own minds , now , I want you to think of a famous building or a famous site or perhaps a famous street or avenue yes a a statue would be fine , erm or something that 's famous , like an animal perhaps , or a park erm or a zoo , although that might be a bit difficult .
9 The research " team " is usually just a single individual , or perhaps a married couple , with maybe a local assistant .
10 The identification of fire arms is not difficult in crash wreckage but it is less easy to be certain that an explosion on board an aircraft in flight resulted from a bomb or perhaps a disintegrating turbine disc or an explosive decompression of the cabin .
11 He was very friendly with erm who was in charge of the Extra Mural Board and erm then possibly because of this connection erm we were asked by the erm Ministry of Defence to provide lectures and courses for erm units of H M Forces stationed in the area and erm so a panel of lecturers was erm formed and erm they used to go out , the , the units used to have their own Education Officers , usually a sergeant or perhaps a second lieutenant and erm they used to come into the office and say that they 'd like somebody to go out to their Searchlight Unit or A A Unit stationed somewhere out in the sticks and er lecture on this that or the other and erm we were supposed to try and fix them up and erm the panel erm , it had quite a number of erm people on it that erm , I ca n't remember who they all were , I know that erm you 'd hardly believe this but there was a chap named Mr and another chap named Mr
12 And or perhaps a real sort of top hairdresser , they might have them they sometimes have bits and
13 Most of them would also have borrowed in the open market , maybe from a clearing bank where they had a current account and the manager had allowed them to draw over and above what was in it — an overdraft ( the cheapest way of borrowing ? ) — or perhaps a Personal Loan .
14 But more often the numbers are such that one or perhaps a small number of different releases are duplicated and sent out by post or by telex to media selected from the lists detailed in Chapter 2 .
15 Instead of taking up the normal position from which to look at Los Angeles — which would be that of a driver — Adams adopts the role of a botanist , or perhaps a botanical historian looking for traces of the Eden that Southern California is well attested to have been 80 years ago : " live oaks on the hills , orchards across the valleys , and ornamental cypress , palms , and eucalyptus lining the roads " .
16 And then , erm it was at a much later stage , in the nineteen twenties or perhaps a little bit earlier than that they actually first managed to get enough of it to liquify .
17 Then the only jump instruction that is logically necessary ( though others may be provided for efficiency ) is one to jump if the condition code is set to a specified binary bit pattern ( or perhaps a specified group of patterns ) , and to drop through to the next instruction if the condition code is set to any other pattern .
18 Perhaps some drunken jape which got out of hand , or perhaps a calculated act of attempted murder .
19 You will usually find that there is a favourite flower that you can use , or perhaps a particular colour , for a picture such as this .
20 Perhaps , say the researchers , a large-eyed person is assessed by an iguana as being nearer or larger than he or she really is , or perhaps a large-eyed person simply looks more threatening .
21 Without vowel points these words look identical : " Ip. " eleph is the ordinary word for " thousand " , but it can also be used in a variety of other senses : e.g. " family " ( Judges 6:15 , Revised Version ) or " clan " ( Zechariah 9:7 ; 12:5 , 6 , Revised Standard Version ) or perhaps a military unit .
22 ( b ) The battle in practice The first contact between contracting parties will normally be the sending out of a price list or catalogue , or perhaps a potential buyer 's request for an estimate or tender .
23 Stay there for a few minutes and you will begin to experience one of several sensations : it may be a slight breeze , or perhaps a tingling sensation , heat ( especially in the palms ) , static or even a magnetic pull .
24 Erm , I 'll probably have er two or perhaps a three seater sofa and for the rest fire side chairs .
25 A strange man — or perhaps a plain man lost in a world where most other men had grown strange — collecting superlatives to himself as Saint Sebastian collected arrows in the wall-paintings .
26 In the use of n-grams or a dictionary check to rule out letter sequences that do not appear in English , the information needed is a list of English words , or perhaps a large corpus of text from which to extract such a list and/or the list of n-grams for whichever values of n are necessary .
27 The story is constructed in such a way that each group gets different information , or perhaps a different version of the same story .
28 I think that a chief , or perhaps a leading group would after a while be decided on and priorities set in a way more mature than the boys , but girls would be less imaginative when it came to building shelters and lighting fires , and also less physically able to lift heavy objects and build things .
29 For consumers who use 1,000 units or less a new tariff is introduced , with no standing charge .
30 I asked in what I hoped was more or less a normal voice .
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