Example sentences of "or [verb] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Too often people throw up ideas — ‘ Let's have so-and-so as a speaker on Tuesday and a dance on the Wednesday and a banquet on Thursday ’ — without ever stopping to think how any of these will help reach goals or fit into the overall time .
2 The tank 's equipment can either be disguised , as in an informal tank , or incorporated into the formal aquascape .
3 However old or ill one might be , there is something healing and comforting about stroking the soft fur of a purring cat or looking into the trusting eyes of a faithful dog .
4 There was one positive side for deaf people arising from the War : with so many men volunteering or going into the Armed Services , there was a desperate shortage of labour in the workplace , especially in munitions factories .
5 He went to the window , made sure her car was n't coming , or turning into the communal garage .
6 Like mustard gas , the nitrogen mustards caused blisters when they came into contact with skin , and they damaged many other tissues when they were absorbed or injected into the circulating blood .
7 The times had simply passed when one could conquer France , conquer Belgium , conquer Holland , even conquer Eastern Europe , and say , ‘ This is the same as moving into Africa or moving into the Far East ’ .
8 Nevertheless , on the subject of the clash between the normativist and functionalist styles of public law — which emerged in the Franks Committee 's investigations over the question of whether any body responsible for supervising administrative tribunals should be detached from or integrated into the Supreme Courts — the Committee came down firmly in favour of integration .
9 Mendel 's theory argued that only characters already present in the genes ( or introduced into the genetic material through random mutations ) could be inherited .
10 Davis , a fastidious master , brought out all its natural sweetness without ever suggesting the saccharine or slipping into the over-sentimental .
11 She would come back to camp after a day off , call in at the office to see what was going on , and if we were all running around like headless chickens , snowed under with miles of paper from the teleprinter , and an irate Wing CO was tearing his hair out because the visibility had suddenly slumped from three miles to fifty yards and all his boys were up there somewhere running out of fuel , Rosemary would calmly take over the plotting while one of us rushed out to the screen to read the instruments , or go into the screaming teleprinter to shut off the insistent ear-piercing bell which was reminding everybody within hearing that we were late in sending in the hourly observation .
12 The sunken panels or coffers used by the Romans as decoration were formed between the brick ribs or cut into the solid concrete .
13 And when the corrections were pasted on , they frequently dropped off or slipped into the wrong place during the journey to the cameras .
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