Example sentences of "we really do n't have " in BNC.

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1 I did n't do a self-evaluation — an evaluation of myself — for the simple reason that we really did n't have time to sit down and think it out , and its a bit difficult doing it objectively … because you have no standard to compare .
2 I have become convinced that our whole approach is hopelessly unscientific , in fact wrong , and particularly that my own reconstruction is so fundamentally flawed that we really do n't have the right to be displaying it anywhere except in a Disneyland type of amusement park . ’
3 We really do n't have time for all the trenchcoat humour , the meaningless catchphrases , the phoney reminiscences , the lame gags about the trusty Smith and Wee Wee , the — ’
4 Now obviously you can translate the idea of something being a preventative about illness or sickness , but it 's very difficult to suggest in idiomatic modern English that roses can be a protection against evils , because you really , we really do n't have that kind of concept , normally now , although there are many uses of erm , groups of people who might retain such a concept , and if something like that arises , you obviously ca n't make it idiomatic , because there 's just no way it 's going to work idiomatically in English .
5 Ruth Batsford , of the council 's electoral registration office , said : ‘ We really do n't have an explanation why people are n't sending the forms back .
6 Then your then your feelings perhaps do n't matter in the overall picture of the education , but bearing in , looking at the teachers in our school , we , we really do n't have a weak teacher except perhaps Mr , who 's obviously not been well these last three years , erm
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