Example sentences of "we go [adv] to a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In no way are we going back to a 1979-80 recession .
2 Chairman I I wonder whether I could just make a sort of general statement from the department 's view before we go on to a particular issue if I may .
3 and then on a Thursday night you go up , we go up to a place called Pia
4 Yes just before we leave however the question of what occur in my mind how you 're going to get from the present position in what appears to be a cost plus basis as we go along to a fixed cost basis and presumably the programme and I in in , are running as it were , are running effectively on the cost plus basis
5 Having got over the bad luck at the 6th we went on to a 69 .
6 After a plaisent meal aboard the Britannia , we went on to a casino where we met Sonja , a gypsy from Montana .
7 We went off to a little restaurant she knew near Leicester Square .
8 In the end , we went down to a chum in the country . ’
9 We went down to an awful Wimpy Bar opposite Chagueramas — which later became The Roxy .
10 Erm , and I said to him you will help me wo n't you , you wo n't go back to me doing everything , oh lord he said , I 'll , I 'll do my share , so we went back to a routine , whereby I did , washing , ironing , cooking , cleaning , washing the car , mowing the lawn , doing the flower beds , and the doing the , he walked the dog .
11 And we used to er do a food run down and they used to come up and erm And then we went along to a to a lodge meeting th the men invited us along and I remember one of the comments back in September from one of the men was , Oh well I 'm gon na be nagged back to work soon .
12 We went along to a ballooning club and pestered people to let us have a free flight .
13 The first night we went out to a restaurant along the coast .
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