Example sentences of "we go [adv] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If we go in high the Jerry planes will get us .
2 It 's two thirty or we go now or we go in about an hour but we ca n't go later I should think , can we ?
3 Although we go out quite a lot , we just go for walks .
4 er We , we go out once a week on our bikes just to keep fit for the job more than anything , and have a pint away from the wives , er but er we 've looked into the idea of getting a bike specially made for Joanne , er the little girl who I said suffers from this disease .
5 Well we went straight on the motorway
6 I mean , we went through we went through nearly a case of one point fives at Mary 's party .
7 We went farther up the wasted beach , still finding interesting pieces of flotsam and finally coming to the rusted remnant I thought was a water-tank or a half-buried canoe , from a distance .
8 We went further down the slope to practise parachute landing falls and ground handling skills — everything you need to know before actually launching yourself off the side of a hill .
9 After we went down about a hundred yards , we had to take a spell for me to get used to the darkness underground because the small flame of the oil-lamp was n't showing enough light .
10 And it turned out to be this Pekinese and when we went down there the lady was lovely and er we we interviewed her and we saw the Pekinese and we saw the Pekinese carry flower pots everywhere .
11 We went back up the staircase and I hammered on the door .
12 Fly ran the Hackney branch of a chainstore opticians and we went back quite a long way together as OADFs go .
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