Example sentences of "we have [vb pp] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We 'd entered him in the Novice section , but he 'd been upgraded in the meantime .
2 But he was sitting where we 'd left him beside an empty biscuit tin .
3 So of course we 've asked him to dinner .
4 We 've used him in the past on a few projects .
5 And , I 've just as a basic figure , I mean , they give up to a certain figure o before their hours you put a bit of tax and after that , but er we 've allocated him to work , in the afternoons when I 'm out , they allocate to her , the warehouse , because I ca n't afford any , er , as I say , they repairs a machine , it goes out faulty , and the onus is on me and the company
6 He said : ‘ All I know is that we 've signed him on a playing contract for four years and we 're delighted to have him back .
7 If he does really well he can hope for a bonus of cross-party votes : never mind Patrick 's party label , we 've known him for a long time , we like him and he 's been very helpful .
8 But even if we 've known him for many years , if we 're committed Christians , if we 've been followers of Jesus , there are occasions , there are times in our life when there is turmoil and there is unrest and if we allow him to se , to take control he is able to bring peace .
9 It 's conclusive , we 've got him in the area , the timing 's right .
10 He 's not behind the wheel … we 've got him in front of the camera .
11 I mean , we 've had him here all week , training up in the St Edwards School with Barry and erm we 've put him through his paces , he 's incredibly strong .
12 We 've put him in the side ward , just as a precaution . ’
13 Billy 's been brilliant because we 've had him on an album-by-album deal , and he could have jumped ship , but he 's been really loyal . ’
14 Well it could be after we 've walked him in the morning .
15 Before hearing the speech of the hon. Member for Leeds , Central ( Mr. Fatchett ) I was going to say how much we had missed him in Committee .
16 Soon we had lost him in the dark , so we stopped and sat down , breathing heavily , to rest .
17 Rainses had sat next to us at the boat-yard tea-house , and we had asked him about boats to Be-ni Hasan , a group of tombs some fifteen miles upstream .
18 ‘ But when there was a little publicity , after we had charged him with rape , other women came forward with similar stories .
19 It was fortunate indeed that we had put him in a cell with another person .
20 We learn to see God as he really is , and not as we have imagined him to be .
21 By due process of law we have sentenced him to be slit in the hamstrings to be an example to those who would follow him and make him a hero to the people .
22 We have liked him for being into free speech and free love , and for what he has to say about convergences of the two , and about the curbs which revolution and its regimes has placed on them .
23 We have sought him in the promptings of our hearts or the resolutions of our committees .
24 We have watched him for three and a half years and see nothing .
25 Does the Minister accept that although some of us may have a disagreement with Bruce Millan , we have known him for many years and we know that he has always been , and is , punctilious in the exercise of his duties ?
26 WE HAVE decapitated him from the dictatorship , ’ said General Powell , briefing the press in the Pentagon on Sky , which comes into its own on stories like this .
27 We have decapitated him from the leadership of his country .
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