Example sentences of "we have not [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's been going on for about seventeen months now and the in chief man at Hill House was rather interested to hear that we 'd not actually had it resolved yet , and asked for the reference numbers and .
2 As the place was really his gig we could n't use it without him We 'd been talking about it for ages — and Bernie was always badgering us about it — but we 'd not really done anything about it .
3 Because there are plenty of other areas that this will we have n't even started on hotels yet .
4 he may be eligible to be on a training course , for what we do n't know , but er after you 've been unemployed six months you are either required to or you have the opportunity to , or you can go on a state training course but what they train you for or to do we , we have n't actually got defined yet .
5 I 've written two articles now in a series that 's supposed to be practical and is intended to get you knitting on your ribber and we 've not yet knitted a single row .
6 ‘ Everyone here believes in him and we 've not even thought of criticising him .
7 I mean , there 's things we should have done by now , we 've not even looked .
8 I mean we 've talked only about about women ; we 've maybe touched on class , and we 've not even mentioned the position of black women and the extra discrimination that they face in our society , and in other societies .
9 No , I think that we had a fairly clear idea , certainly on the pension fund , we 've not obviously got accurate numbers , a clear idea of the broad er , shape of , of the problems and erm , that allowed us , without having to wait for very accurate figures , to draw the conclusions about the scale of the problem , the amount of investment we 'd like to , we need to make and thus erm , whether or not it was of interest to pursue .
10 We 've not only got to say to the government , that you 're not coping you 've got to say , if you 're a mother , a worker and a wife , you 've got to say to your husband , look , I 'm not coping .
11 And , and we 've not actually invested that time back in .
12 But we 've not wilfully put at risk services or jobs by risking capping by going in the opposite direction .
13 ‘ Angela , ’ he said , ‘ you and me , we 've not always seen eye to eye recently , but we are friends .
14 We 've not really understood it , Chairman .
15 They do n't know how useful it would be but anyway , they said there , there 's , it 's a slightly odd event because it 's actually going to be just in the Civic Centre , and er , and kind of tacking on some workshops and things , so I 'm going to help her with workshops and have a display stand and so on but other than that , we 've not really got any direct input into it , because it is very much , sort of , you know , this is how you do business in France , these are the financial problems , type of thing .
16 We 've not long got up .
17 In the early seventies the first indications were already apparent that inflation might increase sharply , although we had not yet reached such runaway rates as 30 per cent .
18 We had not yet met Odd-Knut , but his voice was friendly and competent .
19 It was a load lifted from the heart , a load we had not even known weighed us down .
20 This was to pay dividends , and we had not long to wait .
21 His point arose because he felt we had n't best differentiated his guitar from the rest of the pack in our review of it .
22 And erm you know , I I 've had on occasion , when there have been a couple of people in our flat , we had n't either done or said anything .
23 I asked the inspector if there were any dogs we had n't yet seen .
24 After all , I pointed out , lunch was the one date we had n't yet tried .
25 It was as if we had n't even parted really .
26 When he was appointed manager I was finished — and we had n't even met .
27 we had n't even swapped .
28 Twice the road had been cut and we had n't even started the climb up to the pass .
29 We had n't even got plan A into operation when Hateley scored .
30 We had n't even got a photographer .
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