Example sentences of "we [vb base] go [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 we tend to go back to feet I must say .
2 But everyone else is in but I want to clear Wednesday and Thursday cos I want we want to go up to Suffolk .
3 We have brought pride back to Teesside and we want to go on to greater things . ’
4 Unless we want to go back to the Stone Age , zero pollution is not practical . ’
5 First and foremost though , we want to go back to basics and erm get our ideas absolutely straight as regards what quality is and what we 're trying to achieve with I S O Nine Thousand .
6 We hope to go back to our core business , ’ he said .
7 Oh yeah yeah and they they keep er actually this album the reason it 's called I keep saying album we keep going back to the days of vinyl er the reason its called By Request over the last four of five years Telstar sent out a sort of feelers on different sleeves asking people if there were any songs that they might like to hear Foster and Allen sing .
8 We use to have a , have a we use to go down to Shottley .
9 It 'll all be forgotten by the time we do go back to town .
10 Certainly it would be very difficult to introduce any statistical rational erm to the desegregation of Greater York to its district components , bearing in mind the small populations er in some of the Greater York er districts , we think that the general level of detail erm in the structure plan is appropriate , and we think to go down to any finer detail would be an inappropriate to a structure plan , and thirdly I think on that issue , er we would think that it would prejudice erm the work that District Council would want to do erm in their er local plans .
11 Er a hundred and eighty to now we 've gone up to about three seventy horsepower with turbocharger .
12 Cos now we 've gone up to thirty fives , I 'm pretty sure .
13 You get wet , sweaty , but there 's nothing to dry the sweat off , not sweating and drying off , so they feel clammy , okay , so we 've looked at their colour and we 've felt their skin and we 've felt that it 's horrible and clammy and cold , what about their pulse , we 've gone down to the pulse now
14 Now then er regular listeners will know that over the last couple of years or so we 've done some special listener trips for you er and we 've gone down to London .
15 We 've gone back to the old gods , in defiance to the Church . ’
16 The big improvement with the council tax is that we 've gone back to the old system which is 100% rebates for those classified on low income .
17 You 'd better keep your mouth shut , by the way , after we 've gone back to the department .
18 we 've gone back to the others though now yes , we get
19 We 've gone along to lengths of making sure that all our electrical appliances are in good working order .
20 " There 's no entrance now to the back of the house ; we have to go round to the front .
21 No we are gon na watch Playbus and then we 'll have a bath and then we have to go up to the shops because today is mummy and daddy 's wedding anniversary .
22 To get some idea of a possible solution to the problem that in potencies higher than the 12C none of the original starting material is likely to remain in the potency , we have to go back to some basic concepts of chemistry .
23 We have to go back to the city . ’
24 We have to go back to the first quarter of 1986 to see such a low figure for construction output per person in the past decade .
25 I think we have to go back to what is the fundamental purpose of the York new settlement and that is to meet some of the development plan requirements of the Greater York area .
26 We need to go back to the old ways : I mean , think of it , it was in the Andes that corn was improved , that the potato was developed .
27 To understand this relationship properly we need to go back to our underlying semantic model .
28 ( In order to analyse this , we need to go back to the general model with . )
29 We need to go back to 1979 when we had adequate services up here , when there were eleven trains a day from Hartlepool to Darlington , not three as there now are and from May there will be none at all .
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