Example sentences of "we [vb base] [v-ing] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At a press conference on Jan. 21 the new PS first secretary , Fabius , called for a " mobilization " against the National Front and declared : " We intend making the struggle against the far right … one of the central pillars of our activities . "
2 As we sit watching the sparks going up , and as we inhale the fragrant smoke , we are inclined to become philosophical or to sing nostalgic songs …
3 In interpreting ideas and behaviour in societies which others might characterize as ‘ peaceful ’ , we suggest abandoning the focus on the lack of something called ‘ aggression ’ ( or violence ) and the construction of theories that attempt to account for this ‘ anomalous ’ absence .
4 February the twenty eighth , end of February , yeah , my Lord so of course erm staying the counterclaim as a set off would n't really progress much further because after eighty five , I mean that 's simply a subsidiary way in which the defence arises , article eighty five arises primarily because we say underlying the arrangements are void and you 're enforcing something , which is void and you ca n't do it , that 's not a set off claim , but your Lordship I mean , my Lord that 's why that does n't really get them any further , my Lord they 've always had outstanding , which they 've never pursued er for order fourteen so they can always ti try as they said they will for the other erm , erm preemptive attacks upon us
5 It was Rosalind Garton , the last student to qualify from Scotland , now with flourishing classes in St Andrews , who we say extolling the virtues of Medau on BBC television 's ‘ The Garden Party ’ in 1990 .
6 The piles are driven down from above into the swamp , but not down to any natural or ‘ given ’ base ; and if we stop driving the piles deeper , it is not because we have reached firm ground .
7 If we consider starting the endowment here but presumably gon na run twenty-five years in fact you 're gon na finish in year twenty-three when they borrowed the money , are n't they , so they 've only borrowed the money for twenty-three years .
8 This also comes into being as we couple reading the Bible with prayer .
9 If we anticipate reversing the fact that much of our population holidays abroad , so that instead we have more people from overseas holidaying with us , a straightforward reversal of where the money is spent would beneficially affect the foreign exchange by £1,600 million .
10 Now , when I say hello to the audience before we begin recording the show , I point to the chairs , and say : ‘ Elizabeth Taylor sat here , and Michael Caine sat here , and Oliver Reed was all along there … . ’
11 Now he 's tried to shift the responsibility , and that 's something we 're all good at doing , we like shifting the responsibility , whether it 's in even the very tiny things in life , or whether it 's major issues , we like to shift the responsibility to other people , then if it goes wrong we 're alright , our hands are clean , we we 'll have nothing to do with it .
12 He says it 's the thin end of the wedge and once they ban motorised vehicles , they 'll probably then turn their attention to cyclists and horse-riders — and obviously we like using the Ridgeway .
13 If we continue supplying the Reds , we will be helping them more than the Blues .
14 We keep taking the tablets
15 So if your resistance stays the same and we keep increasing the voltage at some stage you say ooh it feels tingly
16 So let's catch up with all the action as we go spinning the globe .
17 Yeah , cos er , I think Neil was telling you that , they look as if they 're gon na be buying plenty of gas off us if we , when we start taking the air products .
18 They wo n't love , let's , let's , let's get it over with see what 's happening before we start jumping the gun , throws in if there 's any good we 'll have them
19 ‘ We 're going to see an increase in bullying , exclusions and truancy unless we start tackling the problems at their root .
20 If we fail in these duties we know that we risk forfeiting the protection of your spirit and all the spirits of our nation 's past heroes .
21 ‘ I believe that if we deal with both of these subjects in one such conference we risk overloading the boat . ’
22 Once we start encouraging member states to sign declarations of intent , we risk undermining the integrity and force of the treaty documents and obligations .
23 Now since must be expressible as a function of we have using the summation convention .
24 If Alison Sargent had n't become a chartered accountant , it may well have been her , and not Michael Fish , that we see reading the weather forecast every evening .
25 Obviously all the planets that we see orbiting the sun must be travelling at exactly the right speed to keep them in their orbits , or we would n't see them there because they would n't be there !
26 Some of us avoid using the word 1 .
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