Example sentences of "we [vb base] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We bring her in at night .
2 We bring them inside in the bad weather .
3 Our mourning can only be taken up into joy when we bring it back to Jesus Christ .
4 It was water-logged , half-buried in the sand , and surprisingly heavy but she insisted that we bring it back to the car with us .
5 At the moment the sail is only attached down its needed edge but before we can use it , we 've got to control it properly and that means to tuck it in the boot the jaws clip on here , the down-haul clips on to the sail and is threaded through the jaws before we make it up on the cleat the position of the boom and hence the sail relative to the wind is controlled by this rope , the mainsheet .
6 But we make it just on beer .
7 We make it absolutely on the phone .
8 In some ways it 's a simpler game than we make it out to be . ’
9 One of the 100 Merseysiders who will be going on the trip , whines : ‘ We definitely wo n't be drinking before we have to drive back but I 'm sure we 'll have the odd glass or three when we make it back to Liverpool . ’
10 For each c ε J we define the value of f at c to be the element unc We denote it briefly by f(c) and refer to the process of obtaining f(c) from f in this way by the ill-chosen but universally familiar expression " substitution of c for x in f " since on the face of it we have just replaced every occurrence of x in f by c .
11 We shift them down to the so they could n't get onto the cultivated land .
12 We send her out for food every day
13 They know that we send them straight to the cells at An Dap now , no matter how badly they injure themselves .
14 We send them away to school — have to , living in the depths of the country .
15 and there 's less chance of them getting lost because if we send it over to Monkland and it comes back here , it goes to Doctor , you know how he 's all over the place ,
16 when we send it back in a few days fitting , this job I says we 'll want it early in the morning and you can have it in the afternoon , but we were going to spend the day in Liverpool , but you 're dad said , I 'm not being round all those shops all day , so I said ooh no !
17 Ring the flat , will you , Myra , and ask … no , tell Dana we expect her here in an hour for a rehearsal ?
18 Erm , I welcomed Chairman the present experiment before us , I hope it succeeds , I hope it sets a continuing example to other parts of the county but you only get what you pay for and in , in we top it up from the seven cuts to I think thirteen or fourteen .
19 We want it over with , ’ said Paul Parsons .
20 And lead him out to the Waiting Room where he 's allowed to linger and holler for a while before we ferry him back to the night .
21 Instantly , he sprang to his feet and suggested , in fact all but insisted , that we interview her instead of him because she knew so much more about him than he did .
22 An ‘ only ’ dream has little effect on us ; we may remember it in the morning because it was funny or for some other reason , but it does not disturb us in any way ; most often , we recollect it only in the moments after waking and have forgotten it by the time we get out of bed .
23 To make fitting easier to follow , we show you how with a cut-away tap .
24 Here we show you how to consistently hit the ball with the sweetspot .
25 We count them out for him sometimes .
26 ‘ I have to admit we let him down over the gearbox which was slipping out of sixth gear and we have apologised for that .
27 If we cut it out of our diet today we will be none the worse off but will have a head start in reducing our total intake of calories : 100 LB OF SUGAR CONVERTS ROUGHLY INTO 3,500 CALORIES A WEEK .
28 He 's the president , he 's the costumier , what 's this chap of travelling secateurs we welcome you up with him , for audition please contact local show office , in city where we perform , qualify you to be a trained figure skater , at least seventeen , not older than twenty six , for further information please write to Ms at
29 Generally what we do for the engineers that come in [ is ] , we put them up with a senior guy , to go on the system , and bring them up that way … .
30 We put them up in quarter pounds or in half pound boxes . ’
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