Example sentences of "we [vb base] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 With the help of this previous research , we propose criteria for the measurement of these two important variables and an operative model to illustrate and to measure how participation can lead to effectiveness .
2 We want ideas for the pageant . ’
3 We also face demands for the culling of whales , as we face demands for the culling of seals and wild boar in Italy , because they eat things we want .
4 At present , we select students for the life preparation course , following a baseline assessment devised by myself and colleagues which is carried out during a links week when potential students attend college full time .
5 We present results for the actual activity of Ca 2 + and pH in human gall bladder bile from patients with gall stone disease and in patients without gall stones ( controls ) .
6 and we destroy pests for the sake of our health and , as Gandhi admits .
7 For the international people there are civil laws , by which they companies have to provide what we call indemnities for the person who works and these indemnities go according to certain formulas , which is known by everybody , and it 's in a way protecting them after they leave .
8 When the glacier is reached and the misery is at last over , we don crampons for the start of what we hope will be the real thing .
9 We need pairs for the canoes and if you 're a no-show we have a disappointed guest .
10 A reminder please that we need nominations for the Executive Committee for election at the A.G.M. Three retiring members must be replaced .
11 This , it seems to me , is a them that is of abiding significance , because we all of us do things for the wrong reasons , and yet it 's all rather magnificently tied up with the attempt to build a glorious spire to a medieval cathedral .
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