Example sentences of "we [vb base] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If we make up a helical coil ( Fig. 4.2(b) ) the wires are going round always in the same direction so the voltages simply add and we may rewrite eqn ( 4.13 ) in the form
2 We report here a simplified and reliable protocol for fast minipreparation and denaturation of plasmid DNA which takes only half an hour to produce single-stranded template DNA of high quality for sequencing .
3 In the first stage we build up a broad structured picture which identifies the main parties , the interactions between them and the main areas where their interests may conflict .
4 Now we 've got a formula , so we build up a little table .
5 In the first stage of surfacing , only the top of the fuselage will be above water-level — when we cut away a rectangular section over where the bomb is located I want as much water as possible below that section to dissipate the heat of the oxyacetylene torches .
6 We give here a brief sample both of the original [ 10 ] and of Burgess 's Class 1 version [ 11 ] : [ 10 ] Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo …
7 We consider initially a single decision , which we take to be the level of government spending , G. This is financed by a pre-specified tax system , assumed to be a uniform poll tax , T. If the utility of individual i depends only on G and disposable income , then the preferences of i can be depicted as in Fig. 10–2 .
8 When one hears of the hardships which could be caused to the high salaried , then surely in this country which claims to be Christian , we face not a political problem , but a moral one .
9 Sometimes — now , for instance — I look down on Tod , on John , as a mother might ( mother night ) , and try to find hope in the innocence or neutrality of his sleep So now we wake up a new man .
10 We set up a Small Self-Administered Scheme with a £50,000 contribution which cut our tax bill by £12,500 , bought the machinery with a £25,000 from the pension fund and the loan repayments go back into our fund to increase our pensions .
11 Said Len Brealey : ‘ The plain facts are that after Mr Woolhouse failed to reach payment in an original contract we set up a new agreement .
12 Following the very worthwhile discussion at the seminar we set up a Working Party to explore the main issues of concern and to suggest practical guidelines and recommendations for implementation .
13 The likeliest place for the specks to get into the product was in the ‘ Fluon ’ finishing Room so we set up a multi-disciplinary CAT of operators , supervisors , QC , QA and maintenance personnel headed by Finishing Room manager Jim Fairhurst .
14 We set up a national network of consumer advice centres : the Government closed them down .
15 Paul was an apprentice electrician at Watneys brewery in Mortlake so he brought some barrels of beer along and we set up a proper bar .
16 In Chapter 6 we set out a dual-route model of reading aloud , distinguishing between a lexical procedure and a non-lexical procedure for converting print to speech .
17 That is why in this manifesto we set out a clear analysis of Britain 's problems and our proposals for putting them right .
18 We set about a vigorous reconstruction programme supported by the ICI Group .
19 Mr Bob Patterson , treasurer of Stockton council , said : ‘ We set aside a certain sum each year for concessionary fares which we then share out among the bus companies .
20 Each character still begins a new line , so we know when a new person is speaking , but the ‘ said Puttermessers ’ and ‘ said Xanthippes ’ are pared to the bone : we have to deduce who is speaking from what they say and the way they say it .
21 It suggests we input resources so that we get out a functioning professional .
22 We edge up a small re-entrant to the top of a ridge , while the second aircraft creeps along a woodline 200 metres to the left .
23 Well that , that 's what I 'm saying is that , I think what we have to start doing and I 'm not suggesting you 're not doing , but I just want to talk about this in , before we practically kick off on the course proper , I think what , I mean that comes off , and then the oil starts dripping out of it , and the minute the oil starts dripping out , then we become quite a good artist are n't we ?
24 For completeness , we interpolate here a brief discussion of the reverse procedure : it was shown in §1.19 and Theorem V of §1.22 that a matrix can always be factorised into two symmetric matrices , but the subject was not pursued there .
25 When we turn off a cold tap a loud banging comes from somewhere and then stops .
26 We go up a long , but steepish , slope and pause to catch our breath and share the experience .
27 We go back a long way , me and God , and from his first words I could tell that this was going to be a difficult call .
28 But I hope he will ; we go back a long way .
29 We go back a long way . ’
30 We go back a long way , he and I. "
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