Example sentences of "we [vb base] [verb] in a " in BNC.

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1 It is the way we intend to proceed in a whole range of different market areas . ’
2 This is because our movements slowly become stereotyped as life goes on and we tend to move in a way that feels ‘ right ’ to us .
3 The way we run our economy is the prime cause of environmental damage , now what the other parties are failing to see is that if we want to live in a truly ecological society , one that really recognises the constraints , er that the environment imposes on us , we have to have a consistent approach to every area of policy , so for example , in the Israel/Palestine conflict er debate , we have laid great stress on our , er advocating our own approach to conflict resolution , consensual approach , negotiations condemning the arms build-up which is inspired mainly by the U S , and so er whilst we have also debated some other more overtly environmental policies such as reaffirming our commitment to phase out nuclear power , we do lay great emphasis on er developing economic policies , particularly in the light of the up and coming general election and we want to obviously present a complete platform of policies to the electorate .
4 It is , however , likely we do live in a culture that is in important ways undergoing a process of de-differentiation and hence ‘ post-modernization ’ . ?
5 We do n't know , but erm we do live in a confrontational parliamentary system .
6 erm I think we do live in a patriarchal society where , even if , for example , some of the single carers that I interviewed — three were men out of eight or nine — and they had an equally hard deal , because the rules are stacked against people caring for dependents , whether the people who care are men or are women .
7 Unless we do live in an age of miracles , it seems unavoidable that the current account deficit this year will be about £20bn , an unenviable record .
8 Erm it would cost for the four for the four nights of the con conference , that 's from the Wednesday night to the Saturday night inclusive , six pounds a night each will almost cover the cost and we 've fitted in an extra person on the floor at three pounds a night that would clear the cost completely .
9 We 've seen in a number of areas , the development of regional net environmental networks , which we have been directly involved in helping develop .
10 I mean we , we clearly do not have a socialist society even at the end of land reform as we , as we 've seen in a sense we 've created a , a private enterprise system which is based on equalities within capitalism .
11 that people can make their o , they have a balanced education which allows them then to make their own choices about , that things are n't over , I mean if we 've lived in a patriarchal society in which men are in power and that kin , and male sexuality maybe has come through more in sex education , those have been the issues that have been co , ha have been given more importance and female issues have maybe been neglected a little bit and now erm , with Aids as a problem we do n't want to turn out and suddenly become really homo homophobic or really , you know , right condoms , condoms , it has to be you know , you need to kind of keep the balance so that people are given the information and then have the freedom to make the choice themselves .
12 Cos if we have n't then all of our assumptions into why we 're doing things like auto-offs and it improves the outgoing costs and then we 've got better reta better information and better screens and all that sort of stuff , I mean it blows every single assumption we 've made in a way .
13 So , in an effort to once and for all give you the facts on why we 're Fun Factor Number 1 , we 've called in a few experts to run through the complete bizzo .
14 Right th the erm I accept that looking at work carried out , which is what we 've got in a number of instances , like
15 So we , we , we 've got in a sense this holding exercise of rent reduction , interest rate reduction but we are going to need a new land reform document to take us through , I mean certainly once we get to nineteen forty nine and we are in power , th th we , we are gon na want land reform are n't we ?
16 Tt and I think we 've identified in a number of different factors erm er behind that , that trend and that erm i in a sense there 's , there 's the kind of distinction between the ideological approach and the pragmatic approach in that we , we 've seen there is a , I think a , a broad ideological impetus behind the reform in the sense that there is this long-term commitment to overthrowing feudalism .
17 We 're putting some money away for e expenses , we 've taken up the option to purchase , we 've put in a planning application for change of use , we investigated possible grant applications , we 're investigating future expenditure and income generation , and then we report back to this committee once .
18 oh we 've put in a making the interview forms , just having the Welsh translation on the top .
19 my Lord we have said in a number of places the claims are erm unlawful and we refer to the fact that the claims come out of the central fund bi-law
20 As we have seen in a previous chapter , he argued that such an illusory growth could in fact mask a real decline in values and use-values .
21 There is a deep sense of untimeliness about the death of a child and whereas , as we have seen in an earlier chapter , it is possible to look on some deaths as timely and part of the natural rhythm of life , when a child is involved this does not seem to be so .
22 Food : As we have seen in an earlier chapter , our physical condition has a great influence on our minds and our emotions — the reverse also being true .
23 As we have seen in an earlier chapter , by gentleman or noble person Spenser is thinking of a distinctive class of person , but his desire to fashion gentlemen nevertheless might be seen as directed at individual development .
24 We have lived in a wonderful variety of houses , including one normally occupied by a pit deputy in South Yorkshire ; a leaking gothic horror of a Victorian rectory in deepest Sussex that was literally falling to pieces while administrative matters blocked efforts to replace it and our present one near Lewes built in 1934 in the days of live-in maids , recently modernised but still half as big again as any built these days and with a double-size garden .
25 The reason why we are embarrassed to admit this is that we have lived in an age when the self-sufficiency , the autonomy of poems has been elevated into dogma .
26 We have landed in a blind alley . ’
27 Now we cross to the other side of the no go area but turning is called tacking , and so to make ground for wind width we have to go in a series of zig-zags , each time turning for about ninety degrees and see that the sail is kept full most of the time only flapping momentarily as the boat turns directly through the eye of the wind .
28 Like every other company in the oil industry , we ca n't operate in isolation from the factors that control the world oil business and we have to respond in a positive way by managing the business in line with the economic circumstances in which we must function .
29 that we have to do in a certain way , in a certain format and certain things have got to be included and we 've got to take that in hand as well .
30 Word-list style is a careful style in his terms ( but as we have shown in a number of publications , Labov 's predictions about the stylistic continuum did not work in this divergent-dialect community in the way that they had worked in New York City ) .
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