Example sentences of "we [vb base] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We regret to announce the death of a distinguished man of letters .
2 We regret to announce the death of Mabel Adams FHCIMA who died recently at the age of 92 .
3 We intend to persuade the Church to engage in policy studies with the aim of developing people-oriented policies for the communication task .
4 ICI has important patents in the field , covering a number of different monomers and fillers and a variety of techniques for their use and we intend to exploit the position by developing a range of filled dispersions and materials based on them . ’
5 We intend to spread the ownership of shares , homes , pensions and savings .
6 Father Hugh Mcaleese said : ‘ We are devastated , but we intend to restore the church to its former glory .
7 Here we intend to explain the operation of another EC institution , the European Investment Bank , which will probably have an important part to play in future progress towards economic and monetary union within the EC .
8 the case should be diaried and the advised immediately on expiry of the limitation period if we intend to take the point .
9 Therefore , we intend to repeal the Act when alternative regulations governing working times are in place .
10 Oh no it is n't we intend to redevelop the site
11 Mr in his statement C thirty three , had said quote , although he wished to care for Anna Jane as long as possible , I have already begun to have problems with my back therefore we intend to introduce the use of carers gradually so that Anna Jane gets used to them .
12 At a press conference on Jan. 21 the new PS first secretary , Fabius , called for a " mobilization " against the National Front and declared : " We intend making the struggle against the far right … one of the central pillars of our activities . "
13 We intend to place the money in our building fund and it is also a faith-building experience for us to see God blessing us in this way .
14 We intend to place the order as soon as those negotiations have been satisfactorily concluded .
15 We intend to have the barrier brought down to block off the car park at nights , ’ he said .
16 We are very disappointed by the Government 's failure to respond to our position and we intend to keep the issue alive , ’ said Dr Ghayas .
17 But in order to bring management closer to tenants , we intend to reduce the limit on the number of properties transferred in a single batch .
18 Fourthly , we intend to increase the provision of detention places by 290 .
19 We intend to lighten the burden of capital taxes and reform the taxation of savings .
20 Er , it 's seven fifty per head coach from Harlow at nine in the morning get back again about five , we intend to beat the rush hour and it 's a conducted tour of Docklands and the city airport with a guide , and also viewing of the visitor 's centre at Docklands , and then about two and a half hours , probably three , to roam around the area yourself .
21 And I think this is perhaps a slight confusion because very often , would you agree that we tend to use the quality and standard interchangeably ?
22 We tend to dismiss the ability of a lizard or a salamander to regrow a lost tail by saying that these are relatively simple and unspecialized creatures .
23 We tend to see the history of art as an ordered succession of works appreciated for and judged by their conceptual content .
24 Equally , we tend to see the learning of a foreign language as mastering a skill , thereby perhaps doing ourselves a disservice .
25 If we live on continents , we tend to see the world as land inconveniently dissected by expanses of water .
26 We tend to overlook the authority of Jesus at Christmas ; a baby in a cradle is not normally associated with authority or responsibility .
27 In the cynical world of F1 , we tend to accept the number of noughts as a driver 's way of keeping score , but the local bricklayer has an acute realisation of what he could afford to buy with £6,000,000 !
28 These days we tend to regard the size of a dose of a centesimal remedy as irrelevant .
29 I suspect that the current hostility towards modernism has to do with feeling reassured by what is old ( we tend to value the patina of age regardless of quality ) — and the sense of stability that this lends to our institutions .
30 We hate to face the challenge of ideology .
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