Example sentences of "we [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We fought at close range , not more than twenty steps apart , and drove the soldiers back upon their main lines , leaving their dead in our hands .
2 One community leader told Sunday Life last week : ‘ We met with senior NIO officials and expressed the opinion that unless something was done for Protestant areas there would be a backlash from paramilitaries .
3 ‘ This is in reply to a request we made of Greek Intelligence for as exhaustive a list as they could supply of all places where Andropulos is known either to do business or have contacts .
4 But I remember only too well the time when we had nothing in the bank and we lived in rented property because we 'd sold our home to keep me racing .
5 The war was an anxious time , for the daily newspapers were filled with the lists of men killed in the battles in France , and we lived in daily dread of the routine telegram from the War Office .
6 ( Martin et al , 1987 ) It also confirmed what we already knew — that no amount of keep-fit exercises and high fibre would improve our health as long as we lived in damp housing conditions and a polluting environment .
7 We got on real well and I had a lot of fun that week .
8 Once on board , I took a look below , where many men folk were as comfortably spread on the saloon sofas as circumstances would permit , and finding a vacant space sufficiently large to stretch my full complement of feet and inches on , I tried to fall asleep before we got into rough water ; but with the first movement of the screw , I was on my feet and on deck , having a view of the hills round Gairloch as they slept in the mist of night ere the faint streaks of dawn disturbed their repose .
9 The further we got into basic training the more obsessive I got about it .
10 We got to Styal mid-afternoon .
11 It looked like a Hollywood film stunt — until we realized with chilling certainty that none of us anywhere near the petrol-pump would have survived if the truck had gone up .
12 as if this were n't enough , we bounced on oversized ball , wielded staves for posture , learnt national dances and songs , explored the mediaeval charms of Coburg and neighbouring Bamberg or wallowed in the thermal baths of Rodach — and of course consumed enormous and excellent meals at the college , supplemented with German cakes in the town ( not to mention German wine … — .
13 They have the same four basic options we described for general ownership policy : state ownership ; specific support for or discrimination against locals or foreigners ; or neutrality .
14 ‘ It is time we moved for concerted action to liberate the press from these laws . ’
15 The sort of criteria which we used for paradigmatic delimitation are of no help here .
16 After we got that fixed , we stopped in Yellow Stone Park where they had these loos that were just holes in the ground and I dropped the keys to the van down one of them .
17 After we got that fixed , we stopped in Yellow Stone park where they had these loos that were just holes in the ground and I dropped the keys to the van down one of them .
18 In the latter we learnt about gammy gear , in-fights , unprofessional ‘ promoters ’ and an obscure though mystical ceremony between band and tribal chiefs up in the hillside .
19 We learnt by practical experience — that a chimney on fire is an offence or a dog without a collar .
20 We camped at Blind Tarn close to the Coniston fells in the Lakes .
21 We negotiated with immense pain and at great length to achieve an agreement with Mr Smith .
22 The problem with many of the parents we interviewed of primary school children was that they did n't really know what their children were doing at school a lot of the time and , because they did n't know what they were doing , they sort of feared that it , they were n't doing anything or that what they were doing was not actual work , what they remembered as work .
23 The patients we identified with colonic cancer were in the older age range of our group with ages comparable with studies with higher incidences of cancer .
24 We disposed of surplus property and focused our investment expenditure on quayside facilities where we bought the former Texaco fuel terminal in Aberdeen , which is being substantially upgraded , and spent £1.2 million on building 27,000 square feet of offices and warehousing at the Wood Marine Base in Aberdeen .
25 About a hundred yards from the village we came under automatic fire from somewhere on our left , and continued the rest of the way walking in the ditch .
26 If ever we came under competitive pressure , Andrew was always able to think up something new , that left us still on top .
27 We drove through placid scenery , past a ruined castle and so into Tuam .
28 We drove in complete silence through the dusty scrubland to a camp made of portacabins bolted together .
29 Even in the papers we received v. little coverage — NOTW was 50 words if that .
30 My watch alarm woke us to a finger cold pre-dawn , though I remained only half awake as we trudged through knee-deep snow to the bottom of the Supercouloir , both of us cursing that we had not brought our skis .
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