Example sentences of "we [vb past] [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is time we applied the same reasoning to all .
2 We got a same day driver picking me up at five fo , five thirty outside the hotel .
3 We got the same taste in !
4 He merely sat on the only chair in my room , shook his head and told me to sleep , and that it would be best if we shared the same chamber that night .
5 We shared the same bed , ’ he confessed .
6 We shared the same house , but we were n't living together .
7 I picked him as my friend because he was a quiet , kind boy and we shared the same interest .
8 Mum has rheumatoid arthritis and , as neither of us could manage the stairs , we shared the same room downstairs .
9 ALL around Feethams during the Durham-Somerset first day we posed the same question : before leg spinner Ian Salisbury 's inclusion in yesterday 's England squad , which England cricketer last had the same name as an English cathedral city ?
10 We used the same phrase once .
11 He leapt off a regular bus — the excellent airport service seems currently in abeyance , threw himself through the doors and yelled at me to hurry , which I did , and we caught the same bus back into town .
12 We played the same game every Sunday ; each one in turn pulled down his or her underwear and rotated slowly while the others watched .
13 he , we shagged the same bird me and Nick , not on the same times but oh I went out with her after he went out with her .
14 We studied the same subject . ’
15 ( We noted the same imputation by Clark ( 1977 : 40 ) in the concluding section of Chapter 6 . )
16 Jessica and I met when we joined the same company within a day of each other — both straight from school .
17 Bell noted : ‘ We faced the same quandary clubs rapidly going through divisions encounter with their XV-a-side fixture list .
18 The judge treated this as a separate question concerned with the ambit of section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 ; we followed the same course , even though this would seem to require that the question be phrased ‘ and whether , if so , the statement of claim discloses … ’
19 When Ann and I first visited this area , we followed the same route as luckless Montrose , travelling south from Caithness , over the Ord to the Kyle of Sutherland , past Lairg , then up Strath Oykle .
20 At Canjuers we followed the same routine as at Orange .
21 Comparing the last two years , Mr Coates said : ‘ We achieved the same result with 900 fewer people . ’
22 We heard the same thing when the Labour Government introduced the Equal Pay Act 1970 .
23 We worked the same routine each day for our practice rounds — some relaxed play on the course and some hard work before and after we went out .
24 On the 18th tee we hit the same 3-wood , and as we walked down the fairway the crowds were massed around the last green ; the noise was unbelievable .
25 ‘ I wish we needed the same number of hours ’ sleep , ’ she said .
26 We established the same result in Section 9.2 by applying the CS conditions to LP* ( 2 , 0 , 0 ) and it is worth noting that the resulting inequalities typically involve more variables than if ( 9.8 ) is used , but ( 9.8 ) presumes a knowledge of the tableau as opposed to just knowing the BFS .
27 If , on the other hand , we reached the same conclusion through the second method , which begins in considering the responsibility of the institution as a whole , then the personification would have been not idle but working .
28 We felt the same frustration when a British Oxfam worker , Peter Coleridge , was kidnapped in Beirut by Abu Nidal and then released within days , after pressure had been brought to bear by the aid agencies in Lebanon and Mustapha Saad .
29 The following solutions were used for endoscopic injection : for the epinephrine group , we injected 0.5–1.0 ml of 1:10000 epinephrine at 2–3 mm around the bleeder with a maximum volume of 15 ml ; for the epinephrine plus pure alcohol group , we injected the same volume of 1:10000 epinephrine followed by 0.3–0.5 ml of alcohol ( 99.8% ) around the bleeder with maximal volume of 3 ml .
30 but similar change of causation , restrictions imposed by of which they are members and which they are party and we would say we had the same defence to the extent that they had written business which would not of been risen if the restrictions had not been made
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