Example sentences of "we [vb past] [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 He looked quite normal , however , and we made conversation for a while , although he seemed to be thinking of something else .
2 Crilly , I 'll tell you about the sparkle of Belgravia , the shimmer of white marble , a sumptuous , salubrious white , the sugary white of fluffy friendship , cloudship , feely white , and the slim cobblestone road which led to the river where I met James who was fresh from Waterstone 's with his arms full of Pinter plays , O he was as a young Terence Stamp , Crilly , but for the sly cracks of wisdom about the corners of his eyes , and we drank espresso and he told me about Spain and the high mountains of India , and the Pyrenees he had taken on foot , and though I was as trite as my shopping Saturdays and my small muggy and squirming palms in summertime , he painted my body swirly-lined and peach upon a large canvas and made love to me upon the tip of the Heath with all of London a basin of rooftops beneath us while the sky loomed low in grey and pink , the Heath a dark pudding of sloping mountains , wild and white and wide as Brontë country , with only the smug suburban cliffs of Highgate Village peering from behind its sprawling hem , and big dogs scurried like brown birds to the crevice of foothills and then disappeared , so we made love for a while beneath that sky , which cast a blaze upon us the colour of cream .
3 On a bend of the Colorado river we made camp for a month .
4 We made demands for a cheap canteen on the site , for nurseries and better maternity provisions .
5 We got change for a £5 note from a young taxi driver recently .
6 We swopped experiences for the last time .
7 From what I could gather , we played crap for the first 20–25 minutes .
8 We contacted patients for a preliminary interview to assess their history , and if they met the study criteria they were invited to join the study .
9 Local committee organiser Angela Jones said : ‘ Thanks to the generosity of the people of Horneborough we raised £1,012 for the poor .
10 Then on our next project we raised money for the swimming pool that they required .
11 I half expected that when we pitched camp for the night there 'd be some sort of ceremony — I do n't know , burning a bundle of clothes or whatever .
12 I er , in fact , we , yeah , we just had a problem yesterday , we started work for the Royal Scotsman and erm well we started work for them , like last year and we 've been doing jobs
13 We lost touch for a couple of years and then we met at the Coventry Specimen Group Stag Night and found that each of us had conceded to an extent and were now using almost identical rods .
14 That night , we bought coffees for The Gang .
15 And we used to c as we had nicknames for the ones we did n't like , she was called .
16 we had Roy and then we had Simon for a bit and then we decided because it was n't working altogether an Edinburgh person and a Glasgow person
17 Firstly we had Robbie for a teacher and he certainly was awkward .
18 We had time for a short walk on a rocky path before I had to return to Athens .
19 Arriving there at ll.3Oam we had time for a browse around before our Ploughman 's lunch , after which we watched a delightful display of flying owls .
20 We had time for a couple of runs through and set up the tape recorders ( I took two in case of trouble ! ) and by 10 a.m. we were all standing in our place s — white skirts dazzling and hearts beating fast — waiting for the signal to start .
21 So we drank tea for a while .
22 We struck south-west for the old Roman Road which runs from Newark to London .
23 We published Agenda for the 90's , a statement of RIBA policies ranging from Housing to the Environment and used it as a tool with which to lobby parliamentary candidates for the General Election .
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