Example sentences of "we [was/were] [verb] [to-vb] up " in BNC.

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1 Our intention was to fly low level VFR into French airspace , climb onto airways VFR , then , as we were expecting to catch up a cold front around Limoges , refile IFR and continue to our destination expecting an IFR approach with a reported cloud base of 600 to 800 ft .
2 The best thing to get richer is like , going round car boot sales , like my mum , she 's so funny , dad said she 's a different woman , she 's just like , cos when Phil and I erm , were engaged , we were trying to save up money , so we , oh and like we 'd sell off all our old stuff , so just give me of money , and then , we got these and my mum was pricing everything up , and she 's going , if someone asks for a discount , do n't , just do n't give it to them , she said , everyone 's going round pricing everything up and erm , when they come to you , they just , they just want things for nothing .
3 I must admit , some of you probably were brought up on Meccano , and certainly not in the mo mo more sophisticated technology we 've got at the moment , but the point is , a lot of these have n't really seen this part of what I call the basic technology itself and er , it was interesting because we were trying to build up some kind of game for their summer fair and the game was quite obviously er , you know er propel a ping-pong into a er series of slots with er , bit like bingo to a certain extent , where you can actually er give prizes for the various holes you could actually penetrate and things like that .
4 Last time if you were n't sure which to make we were allowed to come up with about ten papers
5 I asked how we were going to wake up because I for one did n't have an alarm clock on me , and he said , ‘ Always wake up when I want .
6 Because we were going to phone up
7 We were going to phone up and that seems to have
8 Yes , had we been a little brighter , we were going to ring up and take Amy out yesterday we were also aah , and we struggled into Bromley and eh that was it .
9 So we were going to make up a sport to see what he said , and in Spain they play a game called callots .
10 I said we was sent to set up the seating and the pulpit . ’
11 Almost all of us were trying to catch up on our homework , although the tram was much too bumpy for anyone to write anything .
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