Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After all , when our western doctor 's diagnosis or treatment turns out to be ineffective we may regard him as a useless quack , but we do not also conclude that the entire system of medical science is erroneous .
2 For suppose that the disuse of meat causes a permanent distaste for it , and that an increased demand for fish continues long enough to enable the forces by which its supply is governed to work out their action fully ( of course oscillation from day to day and from year to year would continue : but we may leave them on the side ) .
3 We get quite used to our domestic dog actually bringing us sticks and balls so that we may throw them for our four-legged companion to retrieve .
4 If you can show me plainly where Tutilo was until past that hour , we may strike him from the roll and forget him . ’
5 She was very impressed and there is a possibility we may stock it in the future along with other similar species buyers are currently investigating .
6 You would work on that for two to three weeks and then we may send you to Chester-le-Street
7 Whatever else we may suppose him to be , this pure life , the ineffable and incomprehensible good , is Beatitude .
8 ‘ Forget about the bullets , we may find them in the morning . ’
9 An ‘ only ’ dream has little effect on us ; we may remember it in the morning because it was funny or for some other reason , but it does not disturb us in any way ; most often , we recollect it only in the moments after waking and have forgotten it by the time we get out of bed .
10 Since f is a function of λ which vanishes at the eigenvalues , we may use it in the Newton-Raphson method to obtain an improved approximation
11 Even John Henry Newman wrote this about animals : ‘ We may use them , we may destroy them at our pleasure .
12 In particular , we may ask you to : - a ) make lists of sources of income and expenditure , and assets and liabilities , with a view to determining both the cause of the financial problem and its solution ; b ) seek impartial money advice or counselling from a solicitor or Citizens ' Advice Bureau , a financial advisory service or other appropriate advisor ; c ) make proposals to us for the repayments of the debt by regular instalments which you can afford .
13 Often we may equate them with more formal partnerships which fall by the wayside after only a short existence ; except that in their breakdown the feelings of guilt , humiliation and bitterness may occur even more strongly than when an " honest " attempt is felt to have been made .
14 For example , we may write it as unc and use the regression formula unc so that , for example , if Ro = 0 , we should obtain unc and so on .
15 I 've a feeling we may need them before this is over . ’
16 If we do not need all that DP equipment now we may need it in the future .
17 The point is surely that the properties of being good and being yellow are not complex properties as being a horse is , which is ( we may take him to be supposing ) a matter of having a whole lot of simpler properties , such as having a certain sort of head , a certain sort of tail , and so forth .
18 In fact we may take it from the wording of Section 2 of the Definition Order that , during the conference questions were asked about the liability of individuals to repatriation , or Section 2 might not have been included at all .
19 We may join you at Pepe 's later on , though . ’
20 Those of us who enjoy them need only a name for each condition , so that we may discuss them in expectation and in recollection .
21 Come to us , God of love , that we may see you in the poor , the sick and the rejected .
22 which is brilliant din , din , din , we should give it to Phil for his dad
23 I think we should beat them at H.Q , especially if Batts can get the ball in Midfield , and Deane perks up .
24 That is , it is unclear whether what is being maintained is that our conception of effects is of unnecessitated events or that we should change it to that .
25 This only applies to teaching so surely we should change it to whatever they want basically .
26 do you think we should stand it on some gravel in the saucer there 's plenty of gravel
27 The examples in this section are Janus-like , in that the reader may interpret them metaphorically but , in the light of the examples in the previous section , it seems to me that we should interpret them as cases of underlexicalisation .
28 Ron Evans had the idea that we should interview her in a terrace street that bore more than a passing resemblance to the famous TV set .
29 The overall position now is worse than in 1988 , yet we were assured by the Government in 1988 that we should leave it to them .
30 ‘ We felt that we should leave it to a company that specialized in the business and concentrate on adding value to our chemical materials . ’
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