Example sentences of "we [vb mod] go [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We ought to go to another town , ’ says one .
2 We should go on that ?
3 ‘ Maybe we should go to one of the hotels for tea or icecream ? ’ he asked fretfully , as if somehow sensing her withdrawal .
4 We 'll go onto that , then
5 Erm so , there 's various methods , we 'll go into specific methods in a minute , but er , when you are passing data from one file to another , you ought to use passing and receiving areas .
6 We 'll go into that in the morning . ’
7 We 'll go into those in a lot more detail when , when the time comes .
8 Okay , well we will come back and we 'll go through all the proposed because our last item is our longest item .
9 So I 'm I 'm sure we 'll go through that in detail later on today .
10 We 'll go through Quick 's submission to The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fichon one more time . ’
11 Then we 'll go through this place like a dose of salts .
12 Erm if you do I think what we 'll do is we 'll go through this book one so that we make sure that you really know everything in this and you 're really good at it .
13 Well , I think perhaps what we 'll do cos you 've missed quite a few of these out so I think what we 'll do erm is to leave that what you 're doing there for a moment we 'll go through this mark this and the one 's you have n't done we 'll do so that you 've got this one straight .
14 Secondly , if they accept those arguments , then before anything becomes public I then need to embark on a process of consultation with the residents themselves and with their relatives and with their staff , so that we can explain it carefully to them — what it 'll involve , the time scale , what their options are going to be , how we 'll go through this process and all the rest of it , all the ins and outs , and then I shall have to then go formally to a special meeting of the Social Services Committee , probably in April , to say that I 've carried out this consultation , that this is my recommendation as to the home the Council should choose , and if they agree that then we move into implementation .
15 Right , we we 're not doing the minutes for the tenth of January because you 've only just got the copies this evening so that 's being erm , we 'll go through those at the next meeting .
16 The number of firms supplying the industry , er , we 'll go through these in a bit more detail in a moment , I 'll just put them down .
17 so we- not , we 'll go over that very quickly as possible .
18 Now breathing , breathing in erm poisons , we 'll go over this in more detail erm , there 's so many things as we 've already gone through that can cause us asphyxia , one of them 's poison in itself is n't it ?
19 Now we , we define cooperation as altruism here and we 'll go over this again .
20 We 'll go over those again .
21 We 'll go to one of my favourite restaurants — a typical Spanish Sunday lunch .
22 And we 'll go to that new place , Office World .
23 I mean were working with five at the minute , we 'll go to that place and double it up to say ten and by this time next , next year there 's not any reason why it should n't be more to sixteen
24 I said we 'll go on that to get to this other place , and the bloody things there were shoots of firing and there were
25 and you know it sort , it surprises you so much because I 've said we 'll go on this moving stair thing er what they call it ?
26 Okay we 'll go for five now .
27 Yeah so we 'll go for that I think
28 We 'll go for ninety . ’
29 We 'll go for those then .
30 We 'll go with that one .
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