Example sentences of "we [vb mod] [verb] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 He describes as ‘ ominous ’ any ‘ suggestion that , out of ‘ respect ’ for the law we should refrain from any forthright criticism either of particular laws , or of the institutions of law enforcement or the governmental process by which the laws are made . ’
2 We should stop at any one place
3 Thus we should guard against any immediate and unreasoned reaction to the idea that they might ultimately be widened to encompass individuals who do not happen to be human .
4 There seemed to be an unspoken acceptance by hon. Members that the present system was less than satisfactory , but that we must avoid at any cost anything as dangerous and revolutionary as suggesting a change .
5 If the immediate international situation is used as an excuse to get us to drop our opposition to the rearmament programme of the Government , the next phase must be that we must desist from any industrial or political action that may disturb national unity in face of fascist aggression .
6 Er , but rest assured , Councillor , I 'm no easy pushover and we 'll deal with any who stray from the path .
7 And so therefore if anybody has amendments that they wish to make to the deliverance as it is , we will take them if necessary one by one and vote for them as they are presented to us , and then we 'll come to any other counter motions that may be on hand .
8 We might hear at any moment that it 's a bomb , ’ said Haig .
9 In theory , if we were skilled enough at genetic engineering , we could move from any point in animal space to any other point .
10 We 'd pop in any time , and I have been to stay with her …
11 We would wait for any payment until Elinor was well again . ’
12 Again , if we are faithful to the terms of the story , we will refrain from any attempt to provide rational explanations of these events .
13 A council spokeswoman said : ‘ By its nature the carnival is very noisy , but we will listen to any representations that are made for future events . ’
14 We find the process simultaneously tiring , frustrating and rewarding when , at the end of tussling with some problems , we reach a shared view and a commitment to that view , which is usually of a different order to that which we can achieve by any other means .
15 I do remember saying that we 'd go somewhere quiet so we can talk without any interruptions , and what better place to choose than the house ? ’
16 ‘ But if you want further opinions , we can go to any London consultant you choose . ’
17 Well I I do n't think we can go on any other sort of colour .
18 Our combined age is 151 so we think we can cope with any problems life may throw at us ! ’ he jokes .
19 It is essential that the teamwork and positive approach to our work continues so that we can cope with any increase which may be generated from an improvement in trading .
20 Well I think all we can say with any confidence is that the patterns of evolution and behaviour going on within it today indicate that it has an apparent beginning between about fifteen and eighteen billion years ago .
21 Behind John Malalas ' tale there is probably a Seleucid version presenting the Jews simply as rebels against the authority of Antiochus IV , but it is not a version we can use in any responsible way for the reconstruction of the events ( E. Bickerman , Byzantion 21 ( 1951 ) , 63–83 ) .
22 One of the wisest criteria we can apply to any of the claims made for the Holy Spirit and any of the teaching about the Spirit which is being advanced from all sides today is this : does it glorify Christ ?
23 By comparing objects in museums with those mentioned in inventories or seen in old drawings and photographs , we expect to get a fuller picture of domestic life in Scotland than we can find in any one source alone .
24 Sometimes biblical chant sounds too much like adaptation from simple anthropological textbooks , but we can see at any rate the exemplification of the way in which Lawrence 's ‘ capering redskins ’ had to be for Eliot now ‘ Life ’ but ‘ not the last word , only the first ’ .
25 Most of us would agree with any condemnation of such conduct .
26 It 's not a works , so that none of us can boast on any account .
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