Example sentences of "we [modal v] [be] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Were talking about whether we should be going out to work or not ?
2 Look , ’ he continued , ‘ we must be gone soon .
3 ‘ It 's weird how people think that Craig and I are together — they assume we must be going out or having an affair , ’ says Jo .
4 ‘ Quite a few compared with the one-eyed places we 'll be going through .
5 We have n't found him yet , but thanks to you and your horse we 'll be going away from Witney richer than when we arrived .
6 Ron , 74 , of Wrafton , Devon , said : ‘ We 'll be going even when they have to wheel us in . ’
7 Thank you Ma'am , I did er put this with , this request before Council and it is going through the er proper channels , shall we say , and we 'll be going ahead .
8 He reckons we 'll be going soon .
9 We 'll be going now , ’ the mallards told her .
10 We 'll be going far away from what people expect of us .
11 And erm I think we 'll be going back to the kind of erm conditions that there were in the Victorian age and in Dickens ' age .
12 we 'll be going back to the Manor Ground a little later on to find out the winner in our manager competition .
13 You 're listening to B B C Radio Oxford and Talking Sport , seventeen minutes past five is the score , and hopefully we 'll be going back to White Hart Lane shortly and catching up with some of the players .
14 And we seemed to have lost erm Nick Harris and manager Brian Horton , but hopefully we 'll be going back to that , so let's move to the Berks and Bucks Intermediate Cup ; Fairmile Hospital against Milton , this match finished Fairmile Hospital one , Milton three ; waiting to report , David Taylor .
15 Nick Harris reporting , and of course we 'll be going back to the Manor ground shortly and catching up hopefully with Nick Harris and some of Oxford United players .
16 I would hope that in a competitive situation i it is happening now un under a non-competitive situation , er the clients are giving us written remits erm and I think we 'll be going further down the path .
17 we might we might be going over to see Mary on Sunday
18 He er forgot my comb or summat and something like that , he said I 've forgotten my comb and we might be going out .
19 ‘ They will have their tails up and I do n't think we could be going there at a harder time .
20 I told them that at one we 'd be going away on another job cos we 'd got another job booked in , but in fact I reorganized everything so that in fact we could do it for them .
21 there so we 'd have we 'd be going out , coming back .
22 Yes , in fact we shall be going again this week , and I have no doubt , once again this week , we , we 'll be overlapping into another bay , but er unless we use the coach car park , er which means that we could n't take children who were n't really able walkers , so in fact we would be discriminating against our own children , er I really ca n't see what else we can do .
23 His reply was as confident as usual , ‘ We shall be going back to England most certainly some time next week .
24 We shall be going out , Bunty , never fear . ’
25 Sometimes we will be going upstairs to get something but , by the time we are there , we have forgotten what it was that we went for .
26 Yesterday , a spokesperson would only say : ‘ We are still committed to this part of the scheme and we will be going ahead with it as soon as the funding becomes available . ’
27 " I do n't think we will be going home this way . "
28 look at the money for a moment because if you look , when we come to look at the financial commentary , we will be going down the erm er what we spent our training budget on
29 We will be going back to London on Sunday morning .
30 Neither was sure if one of us would be going home or if we 'd be split up and put with other hostages as had happened before with the Yanks and the Frenchmen .
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